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The Fight for Britannia 7: Civil War Page 14

  Gemini came to attention and smiled, “Welcome aboard the Astrology Sir.”

  Devin nodded, “At ease Admiral.” Gemini sat down and Devin saw that though Gemini was a telepath, he was not using his talent. Devin took a chair across from Gemini and said, “I didn’t see anything in your file that mentioned you’re a telepath.”

  Gemini’s expression instantly changed, and his eyebrows narrowed, “I’ve never used my telepathy Sir. No one has ever detected my telepathic talent because of my not using it. How are you able to see I’m telepathic?”

  “I’m a more advanced telepath than most, Admiral. Why have you not reported to fleet that you have telepathic ability?”

  “Because I’ve never used my talent and never will. Invading another’s thoughts is not something I will ever do Sir.”

  “But you can hear the thoughts of others around you,” Devin replied sternly.

  “Not if I shutoff the part of my mind that does that Sir!”

  Devin saw Gemini was exerting extreme self-control and was not showing his fear. He saw in Gemini’s mind that if this got out, he could be executed. But he was determined to maintain his professionalism and not give into his fears. Devin stared at him and said, “I’m highly impressed with your fleet Admiral. I’m here because you are being considered to command all of the Colonies Fleets.”

  “I recommend that someone else be chosen for the job, Sir.”


  “Because there is no possible way for me to train all of the Colonies’ fleets to handle an attack like my fleet has just demonstrated.”

  “If you’re given enough time, why couldn’t you get them trained?” Devin asked.

  “Because from what I’ve been able to see, there won’t be enough time to do it.”

  Devin’s eyes narrowed, “Just what do you mean by that?”

  Gemini stared at Devin and it was clear that he believed he was as good as dead. He decided that there was no reason to be deceptive. “I’ve seen the rash of promotions in fleet and I’ve watched the other fleet commanders training their commands; they are pitiful. The rates of promotions have accelerated and that makes it clear that the Prime Minister is planning an attack long before I could make any difference in the fleets’ skills.”

  “You could issue orders to the fleets to keep them out of danger.”

  “And do you think my orders would be followed by the fanatics once the battle began?” Gemini responded.

  “Are you suggesting that our fleets aren’t superior to any enemy we attack?”

  Gemini blew out a breath and said, “I’m not stupid, Admiral. You and I both know that the Prime Minister is plotting to attack Britannia.”

  “Are you saying you won’t follow his orders!?” Devin replied harshly.

  “No! I’ll follow my superior’s orders and do my best to carry out my mission.”

  “Do you disagree with his plans Admiral!?”

  “It doesn’t matter if I did. I am a naval officer and I will do my duty to complete my mission.”

  “So, you are suggesting that Britannia represents a danger to the Colonies, and you don’t believe our forces are superior to them!”

  “I don’t know.”

  Devin’s head went back, “What?”

  “I don’t know and no one else does either. Britannia has to know what the Prime Minister is planning, and they are only allowing us to see what they want. I have no doubt we outnumber their forces, but I believe they aren’t showing us everything. And the danger of them having technology we are completely unaware of is possible.” Devin stared at Gemini and he continued, “We’re assuming that we can detect their ships and they can’t detect ours. If that is true, it won’t matter who is commanding our forces; it will be the shortest war in the history of humanity and Britannia will be defeated quickly. But…what if it isn’t true?”

  “Have you discussed this with anyone?”

  Gemini raised his hands, “I tried to mention it to Admiral Bellamy, and he threatened to relieve me of my command if I mentioned it again. He told me I was casting aspersions on the brave scouts who are scouting Britannia and that there is no doubt of our technological superiority.”

  “What makes you so sure he’s wrong?” Devin asked.

  “I’m not sure at all but refusing to consider the possibility is foolish. Before we send our fleets into Britannia, we should send a smaller force in to determine if we’re right.”

  “And Admiral Bellamy said to your suggestion?”

  “That I was the wrong man for the job to command a fleet. I’ve not mentioned it again.” Devin stared at Gemini and he added, “If the reverse is true and Britannia can see our ships and we can’t see theirs…then everything you saw today would be meaningless. My fleet would be destroyed faster than you can imagine.”

  Devin stared at Gemini and asked, “If you found your fleet outnumbered and overwhelmed by an enemy, what would you do?”

  “I’d withdraw all of my survivors and send them back to the Colonies to defend the planets. Throwing them away would be extremely stupid.”

  “If you’re outnumbered by a superior force, what good would they do defending a planet?”

  “Defense is far easier than attacking, Sir. Overlap our fire and force the enemy to penetrate our lines is the only way to save the Colonies against a superior force.”

  “You might find it interesting that other Admirals have insisted that all of our ships should be used to attack a superior force to reduce its size.”

  Gemini held up his hands, “They are pitiful Sir.”

  Devin stared at Gemini and said, “You know that Admiral Bellamy is in overall command of the fleets. Even though he won’t be leading the fleets, he will be issuing the attack orders. Are you going to challenge his authority?”

  “Being executed for no good reason is also stupid Sir. I will follow my orders and try to minimize any losses.”

  “That’s assuming our ships aren’t superior,” Devin commented.

  “That is something I pray he is right about,” Gemini replied.

  “You’re worried about the deaths of your sailors.”

  Gemini nodded, “Keeping our planets and warriors safe is the prime duty of a fleet officer, Sir.”

  “Are you recording our conversation?”

  Gemini nodded, “Yes.”

  “Erase it now.”


  “Follow your orders Admiral!!” Gemini reached over and pressed a button on his console. Devin saw in his mind that the recording was erased. “I will not allow your fears to become known Admiral; I agree with Admiral Bellamy that it would sow fear in the fleets. Keep them to yourself and follow Admiral Bellamy’s advice. I will report to the Prime Minister that you are a latent telepath that is unable to use your talents. Is that true Admiral?”

  Gemini hesitated and replied, “Yes Sir.”

  “I will report that you are an excellent commander and your fleet is well trained. It will be up to the Prime Minister to determine if you are the one he wants commanding his fleets.”

  “Sir, I prefer the Prime Minister choose another.”

  “Would another be able to protect the sailors as effectively as you could Admiral?” Gemini’s eyes narrowed and Devin added, “Do it for them if it comes down to it.”

  Devin turned and walked out of Gemini’s office. Gemini was left wondering when the guards would come and escort him off his ship.

  • • •

  Devin went to his ship and left the Astrology. He contacted Charlotte and they discussed the two choices, but Charlotte finally told him that she was operating in the dark not having talked with either of the two Admirals, “It’s your decision Devin.”

  “The last Admiral I spoke with is a genius Charlotte and possibly one of the best officers I’ve ever met. But…he’s the best choice if we want to prevent tremendous loss of life. If the Colonies learn about our Dark Matter fields…”

  “Then we won’t wait for them to atta
ck Devin; we’ll use our advantage before we lose it and launch an attack first.”

  “But we’re so outnumbered!”

  “I’ve spoken with Cami and it appears the numbers are a lot closer than we thought. The Tanis have built a huge fleet and it’s growing every day. Earth has the Dark Matter system and the odds are getting better each day that passes. Do what you believe is the best thing to do. We need to make sure they don’t learn about our technology and if they do find out, then the war will begin immediately. You must let us know if they learn about our ships.”

  “I’ll do what I can Charlotte. Thanks for listening.”

  “You’ve made up your mind then?”

  “I have.” Devin ended the contact and activated his communicator. The First Assistant appeared on his console and he said, “I’ve met with the two Admirals you sent me out to question.”

  “And what did you determine?”

  “Admiral Jordan wore a thought blocking helmet during my interview.”


  “I think he was trying to emulate the Prime Minister Sir. He is a fanatic to the point of almost worshiping the Prime Minister and I do think he would execute Admiral Bellamy if ordered. However, his fleet is poorly trained, and he isn’t nearly the commander Admiral Gemini is. Admiral Gemini is also loyal and is highly intelligent. I sense that he is a latent telepath that is unable to use his talents. But that makes him highly intelligent. He would also follow his orders to the letter and not question them.”

  “I don’t like that Jordan wore a thought helmet.”

  “He did it because of his admiration of the Prime Minister; he is not one of the traitors. However, if all our commanders wear a thought helmet, it will be hard to find the traitors Sir.”

  “I’ll issue an order forbidding it during your interviews.”

  • • •

  The Prime Minister listened to the First Assistant’s report and frowned, “A thought helmet?”

  “He wore it because he wanted to be just like you.”

  The Prime Minister chuckled, “That’s flattering.”

  “Have you decided which one you want promoted?”

  “The fact hasn’t changed that I don’t want Bellamy to have that much power. Issue the papers to promote Gemini to Fleet Commander.”

  “And if Bellamy protests?”

  The Prime Minister smiled, “Then tell him anyone that wears a thought helmet during an interview won’t be promoted to a senior position. He can’t argue with that and Jordan will have a reason for not being chosen that will satisfy him.”

  “You are wise Sir.” The First Assistant left the Prime Minister’s office and placed the orders.

  • • •

  Gemini sat in his office and looked at the promotion announcement. He didn’t want it and he wondered about the telepath that interviewed him. He almost wished he had tried to look at the telepath’s thoughts but knew it was too late to worry about it now. He called in his staff and began issuing orders to the fleet. So much to do and so little time.

  Chapter Eleven

  Devin continued his inspections and had a real issue choosing the ones to remove as traitors. The obvious decision was to remove the fleet commanders that represented the most danger to Britannia…but all of them were good men looking out for the sailors in their commands. He flew back to New Sydney for a meeting with the First Assistant on his progress and he struggled with what to do. He thought about what Charlotte had told him about the Tanis building up a huge fleet and he decided that Britannia wasn’t in as much danger as he suspected. But if hundreds of thousands of Garrions were launched, it would be extremely difficult to stop all of them. How to stop a massive launch of Garrions? Ummm…

  • • •

  He arrived at the First Assistant’s office and waited for him to arrive. After two hours, the First Assistant contacted him and delayed the meeting until the next day. “I don’t know if you’re aware but the woman you were in a relationship with is now working in fleet operations,” the First Assistant commented.

  “No Sir. I wasn’t aware of that.”

  “You might contact her and try to repair the damage between you while you’re waiting for our meeting.”

  “I’ll think about that, Sir. Thank you for telling me.”

  The contact ended and Devin thought about why the First Assistant brought up Vickie’s new position. He was already aware of her being in the building and he had no plans to visit her. But…why would the First Assistant bring it up? After a few minutes, he figured it out. She was going to be used as a pawn to insure his loyalty. If he didn’t take this bait, it might cause some issues. He didn’t like placing her in danger, but she deserved what she got from being dishonest with him. The longer he waited to contact her, the more suspicious the First Assistant would become. He blew out a breath and thought, “Vickie, I’m in the building and I want you to meet me outside in the park.”

  “Devin! I haven’t heard from you in several months.”

  “Just notify your superior that Senior Admiral McKay has ordered you to meet him in the park; I’ll see you there.”

  Vickie was nervous. Devin had never contacted her telepathically and if he looked at her inner thoughts…he’d know what she had done. She shook her head, blew out a breath, and told the Commodore that she was ordered to meet Admiral McKay. She left the office and headed toward the elevators.

  • • •

  Vickie walked across the wide thoroughfare and saw Devin sitting on a bench under a copse of trees. She walked over and sat down beside him, “Why haven’t you contacted me?”

  “I’ve been assigned to work directly with the Prime Minister, and I have no time to see anyone,” Devin answered. “I see you’ve been promoted and moved to a new position.”

  “I suspect that was done because of your new position, Devin.”

  Devin shrugged, “That might be true. How do you like your new job?”

  “I liked working under Admiral Bellemy more, but I like the pay raise. How about you? Do you like working with the Prime Minister?”

  “He’s a remarkable man Vickie. The Colonies are lucky to have him.” Devin saw her thoughts and knew she was terrified about him seeing she had deceived him. Devin looked around and said, “This park is beautiful, just like you.” Vickie was shocked by Devin’s statement and then she heard in her mind, “Don’t change your expression. Just look around the park and take my hand in yours.” Vickie looked at Devin and took his hand. Devin smiled and continued to stare out at the park. “I decided that I wouldn’t reveal that I know about your deception…do not change your expression! We are being watched and recorded.” Vickie forced herself to smile at Devin and he continued, “I know you were ordered by Admiral Bellemy to enter into a relationship with me, but you preferred Major Storm.” Devin looked at Vickie and said, “Would it be ok if I came to visit you?”

  Vickie hesitated and nodded as she replied, “I’d like that.”

  Devin smiled and looked back out at the park, “You should know that you weren’t the only one ordered to have a relationship by Admiral Bellemy. Major Storm was ordered to enter into a relationship with you.”

  Vickie’s eyes narrowed and she knew her expression would be recorded, “Will you be able to come see me often?”

  Devin smiled; Vickie was good; she covered her expression change. He raised his hands and shrugged, “That will depend on how quickly I can complete my mission.” Vickie sighed and lowered her head. Devin heard her think, “You’re lying about Major Storm. He loved me!”

  Devin put his arm around her and hugged her as he thought, “I listened to Major Storm as he suggested that he should make sure you had an accident to remove you as a possible threat to Admiral Bellemy, but the Admiral ordered him to wait before doing that. He called the Major off when you were promoted and moved out of their office.”

  Vickie raised her head and said, “Are you sure about that?”

  “I have no way of knowing w
hen I can get back to New Sydney Vickie,” Devin replied and thought, “During the time we were together, did I ever lie or deceive you?”

  Vickie stared into Devin’s eyes and saw he was being honest. Now things she didn’t understand in the past began to make sense. “Why are you telling me this now?” she thought.

  “I can see you’re suffering for no good reason. I hate that you deceived me but that’s not your fault; you were following your orders.”

  “Why are you pretending to still be attracted to me?”

  “To make sure the Prime Minister sees you as a tool he can use to insure my loyalty. He doesn’t need it, but you could be in danger if I revealed our relationship is over.”

  Devin stood up and Vickie stood with him. Devin kissed her and she thought, “Is our relationship over Devin?”

  “I will never trust you again Vickie. I’m doing this so that any debt I owe you is paid.”

  Vickie broke the kiss and her tears started. Devin walked her back into the building and saw that no telepath was listening to them. He suspected Vickie wouldn’t be inspected; she wasn’t a large enough pawn to justify the effort. Devin didn’t really worry if they did look at her thoughts. He hadn’t said anything to her that they didn’t already know, and he did say that using her to insure his loyalty wasn’t needed. She might be in danger, but he suspected they wouldn’t pull the trigger on her hoping that he did feel something for her by the fact he warned her about Bellemy and the Major.

  Vickie went to her desk and pulled herself together. Now all the little clues she had passed off started making sense. Bellemy had asked her on several occasions when she and Storm would be back. The only way for him to know that was by Mark telling Bellemy their plans. Mark insisted the Admiral didn’t know about their relationship. Little slip-ups convinced her that Devin was telling her the truth. Her feelings for Mark underwent a radical change; her love for him turned to hate at the casual way he had suggested having her removed. She found she hated him more than Admiral Bellemy; he at least acted out of his own self-interests; Mark was a monster.

  Vickie had been depressed and had forced herself to go to work each day. She threw herself into her job and was noticed by her superiors. Three months later, she was promoted over a department and now she outranked the evil Major. She smiled and began working on a way to get her revenge. She wasn’t as good at heart as Devin; he didn’t hate her to the level she detested her former lover. She smiled and had one of her employees start tracking and watching every communication that Mark made. It would only be a matter of time until he slipped up and made a mistake.