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Gregor's Search-The Filament Makers: Stories from the Filaments Page 7

  Gamgel listened in and said, “I’m getting Ana to order a squadron to pass through their intersection.”

  “We’re stopping here to wait and see what happens.”

  “That’s a good idea, Gregor. We could end this issue quickly if they’re that stupid.”

  • • •

  Commodore Rolf Petersen saw the intersection ahead and pressed his communicator, “This is Commodore Petersen and we’re transiting the intersection in route to Tarver.” Rolf waited as the intersection grew closer and then he heard, “Be careful and have a safe trip.”

  Rolf was shocked. He’d never heard an Insectoid respond that nicely. He flew his ten-warships through the intersection and the Insectoid Warships moved out of their path.

  • • •

  Gregor listened in and imagined how the King responded when he learned a squadron of Alliance Warships were moving through the intersection. He had to know this was an attempt to get him to attack. Gamgel was right. The King was frightened.

  Gregor arrived back at Romania and Gamgel contacted him on the communicator, “You need to bring the ship in and have it armed. After that’s done, you’ll need to start your search.”

  “Has Ana approved it?”

  “She has.”

  “Before we leave, I’m going back to Bellingham and spend some time with Kaylee and Deuce.”

  “You should also go to the Cartians and get an up to date map of the filaments.”

  “Good idea. I’ll be in shortly.”

  Elena looked at Gregor, “The facilities on this ship are somewhat…”

  “Small,” Gregor replied. Elena nodded. There’s a small bedroom in the back of the bridge and a cleaning stall next to it. Make sure you bring enough clothing for a very long trip and I’ll schedule new clothes sent at the end of every month.”

  “You’re going to have them teleported in.”

  Gregor nodded. We’ll get a shipment of reactor-pellets every six-weeks, along with water containers.”

  “What about food?”

  “That will also be shipped in?”

  “When are you going to see the Cartians?”

  “I’ll need to call and ask for an appointment to see the Supreme Cartographer. It could take a few days.”

  “I’d like to go with you.”

  “Why, Elena?”

  “I’ve not had much contact with alien species and it’s time I started. Besides, everyone wonders about the Cartian’s planet and I’d like to see if it’s all that.”

  “I’ve never been there, either.” Gregor thought for a moment and said, “Computer, contact the Cartians and see if they’ll grant me an appointment.”

  “What reason should I give them?”

  Elena spoke up, “Tell them we’re going to go and do some mapping of filaments.”

  Gregor chuckled, “That should do it. Let’s go back to Romania and get the ship prepared for the trip and then we’ll go to Bellingham to spend some time with our families.”

  “Sounds good, Gregor.”

  “Uhhh…you might want to change those plans slightly,” the computer announced.

  “Why is that?” Gregor asked.

  “The head-honcho-map maker on Cartian said to contact him when you’re coming, and he’ll make time to see you.”

  Gregor’s eyes narrowed, “I’m not sure I want them to see this ship.”

  “Just shut down all the stealth systems and they’ll not see anything. I’m sure they’ve seen all types of ships from across known space and this one shouldn’t cause any issues.”

  Gregor looked at Elena, “Are you impatient to leave?”

  “No, I just want to get everything out of the way, so our time on Bellingham won’t be interrupted. I want to leave from there. Now that this is about to happen, I’m starting to worry I might not see my family again, Gregor.”

  “Get in line, Elena. But if you weren’t worried, that would worry me more.” Gregor smiled, “We’ll do it your way.”

  • • •

  “Two-days later, the Dragon Fly arrived in orbit above Cartia. The security vessels guarding the planet were more extensive than those used by the Insectoids. The traffic controller at the planet asked, “Is your vessel armed?”

  “It is.”

  “I’ve given you a coordinate to park it in orbit. Do you need assistance going to the planet?”


  “A shuttle will dock with you after you arrive at your parking coordinates.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Enjoy your stay on Cartia.”

  Elena turned to Gregor, “I was worried they would scan our ship. Why didn’t they?”

  “No one would come here if there was a possibility the Cartians would steal their technology. They ask if a ship is armed and park it out from the planet.”

  “They have no assurance that the ship would be honest.”

  “Elena, if anyone lied about that, and they were caught doing it, their civilization would lose the right to travel the filaments, for a very long time, and none of their ships would be allowed to come back to Cartia.”

  “Who would stop them?”

  “Every civilization that uses Cartian Maps to travel the filaments must sign an agreement to attack any civilization that refuses to follow Cartian punishments.” Elena started to speak, but Gregor interrupted her, “The Cartian Filament Map can be erased from any ship of their choosing by the press of a button. No civilization would dare risk losing it. Their punishments will be followed, or the violator will be attacked and forced to adhere to it.”

  “That’s more power than anyone should possess, Gregor.”

  “I know. But they’ve been even handed in imposing their traffic-laws and do not get involved in any other issues. It has made them the richest civilization in known space. The traffic fines they collect in one-week is higher than the yearly gross-income for a lot of civilizations.”

  “I’m surprised no one has ever attacked them to take their wealth.”

  “Elena, we’ve only seen a small part of their defenses. Most of it is hidden and the only attack Cartia ever faced hundreds of years ago was handled in hours and the attacker’s planet was blasted. I don’t think anyone will take that risk.”

  Elena smiled, “We could take them.”

  Gregor chuckled, “That’s the warrior in you speaking. We probably could …but, are we willing to take their place?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Without the stability of the Cartian Traffic Controllers, large numbers of civilizations would end up going to war against each other. The Cartians brought order out of chaos thousands of years ago, with their filament maps, and their control of ships coming and going from civilized planets. They are a necessary evil and no self-respecting warrior on Bellingham would ever choose to become a bureaucrat. We turned over the filaments we mapped in Tronan space at the end of the war and the Cartians are indebted to us for doing it.”

  Gregor brought the Dragon Fly to a stop at its parking coordinates and a shuttle appeared outside the ship. Gregor smiled, “They are efficient. Let’s go talk to a Cartian.”

  Chapter Seven

  Gregor looked up, “Make sure you don’t have any company while we’re gone computer.”

  “Oh! So, now you’re limiting my social life.”

  “You know what I mean.”

  “I’ll make sure, Gregor.”

  Gregor and Elena saw the green light on the exit port and entered the shuttle. They took a seat and Gregor raised his eye-brows, “You’re a long way from Jester.”

  The Arepian, the native species of Jester, smiled, “You go where the work is.”

  “How long have you been working here?” Gregor asked.

  “About fifteen-years.”

  “Ever want to go back?”

  “Oh no. Working in the hospitality industry on Jester is a real grind. Flying this shuttle is the easiest job I’ve ever had, and I’ve become quite wealthy doing it.”
/>   “Why don’t you retire?” Elena asked.

  “Then I’d miss meeting people like you asking me questions like that? I have seniority and I insisted on bringing you down to the planet.”

  “Why is that?” Gregor asked.

  The Arepian looked in the rear-view mirror at Gregor, “There are two-reasons. First; I’d want to see anyone the Supreme Cartographer clears their calendar to see. And second; once I learned it was you coming, I knew I had to make this pickup. I’ve heard about your reputation, Gregor, and I want to be able to tell my children that I actually met you.”

  “I’m flattered but I’m really not anything special.”

  The Arepian snorted and said, “You’re the leader of Bellingham, sometimes called the Death Planet, the Demon Planet, Hell’s Planet, the Mysterious Planet…”

  “Those names have been given to Bellingham by those that invaded it,” Elena interrupted.

  “I know. But even the Cartian’s ancient records say that Bellingham was a planet to be avoided. The mystery surrounding Bellingham has only grown since the war against the Tronan.”

  “You sound quite educated for a shuttle driver.”

  “Everyone that works on Cartia has access to the records. The section of records that deal with Bellingham is the most visited site in the electronic-library. You are quite famous among those that live on Cartia, Gregor MacGregor. Would you do me a favor?”

  “What is that?”

  “Will you sign my helmet and cut a small crease in it with your sword.”

  “You can’t be serious!”

  “Please. My son will appreciate it more than you know.”

  “Alright.” The Arepian handed Gregor his helmet, along with a special pen, over his shoulder and Gregor signed it, took out his sword and cut a line under his name, and hesitated before handing it back, “You might want Elena to sign it as well.”

  Elena snorted and laughed, until the Arepian’s eyes flew open, “Elena, the Witch Archer?”

  Elena’s eyes flew open, “The what?”

  “Your reputation from the ground attacks against the Tronan are legendary stuff. Some of the Tronan have described what you did as black-magic. They named you the Witch Archer.”

  “You’ve got to be kidding me!!”

  “Please sign it!!”

  Elena rolled her eyes, sighed, and signed the helmet. “Witches are ugly,” she muttered under her breath.”

  Gregor looked at her, “You need to watch the Wizard of Oz.”

  Elena handed the helmet back to the Arepian and said, “The Wizard of what?”

  The Arepian nodded, “That is a great story.”

  Gregor’s eyebrows came together, “How do you know about the Wizard of Oz?”

  “None of us knew what a witch was, and the library referred us to that video.”

  “It sounds like the Cartian’s have collected quite a bit of information about the Tronan War.”

  “They collect information on pretty much everything, Gregor and everyone working here has access to it. That’s the third reason I haven’t retired.”

  The shuttle broke through the cloud layer and Elena’s eyes opened wide, “This is…incredibly…beautiful.”

  Gregor looked out of the forward viewport and saw a medium-sized city ahead of them. The majestic, soaring, crystal buildings rose into the cloud layer and were flashing multi-colors, when the sun broke through the intermittent clouds. Beautiful parks and wide expanses of grass and trees surrounded the city, “I expected the cities here to be much larger,” Gregor commented.

  “They are. Most of the city is built underground and extends hundreds-of-miles around the buildings you see.”

  Gregor shook his head, “This is how most planets should develop.”

  “Most can’t afford it. It’s hugely expensive to build them this way,” the Arepian replied.

  Gregor sighed, “Even so.”

  The Arepian flew the shuttle through the towering spires and arrived at the central skyscraper. He flew to a landing pad jutting out from the middle of the spire and brought the shuttle to a gentle landing. He opened the shuttle’s door and said, “Thank you!”

  “For what?” Gregor asked.

  “Signing my helmet and flying with me today.” Gregor smiled and stepped out of the shuttle to find a Cartian waiting.

  For wielding so much power, the Cartian Species was incredibly delicate. They were usually shorter than three-feet-tall, and their bodies were slight of build. Their arms and legs were muscled, but not large muscles. Their heads were the largest thing about them, but their facial features were dainty, with small narrow eyes, a short, sharp nose, and thin lips. Their skin color was between a bronze and orange tone and their hair was long, fine in texture, and white.

  The female Cartian said in a voice that sounded almost musical, “Welcome to Cartia, Gregor and Elena. If you will follow me, I’ll take you to the Principal.”

  “Principal?” Gregor asked.

  “That is her official title here.” She turned and walked toward the building, as Gregor and Elena fell in behind her. “My name is Averel and the Principal has been looking forward to your visit.”

  “I don’t understand why I’m being given this much respect.”

  Averel turned around and looked at Gregor, as they arrived at an elevator, “My species is driven by the love of history and antiquity. Can you understand that?” Gregor shrugged and then nodded. “It isn’t often that we have the opportunity to actually meet a Shaper.”

  Gregor’s eyes closed slightly, as he asked, “What is a Shaper.”

  “In the history of our universe, there have been individuals that have caused massive change to take place. Their impacts on history are powerful and they shape the path that all the civilizations in our domain will follow. Their impacts are not usually recognized until long after they die and to actually meet a Shaper is incredibly rare.”

  “Are you saying I’m one of these shapers?”

  “Gregor, if you never do anything else in your life, you will be recognized as a Shaper. I am thankful the Principal allowed me to greet you and bring you to her.”

  Elena smiled, “You are much more than you think, Gregor.”

  Averel smiled, “So are you, Elena. We’re keeping you in our attention.” Elena’s head went back as the elevator door opened and Averel motioned them in. They stepped in and Averel said, “Principal’s office.” The elevator doors closed, and they stood in silence as it accelerated toward the top of the building.

  • • •

  The doors opened, and Gregor stepped out. Elena followed him a few steps back as they walked into an office that appeared to occupy the entire floor. Gregor looked out of the windows and saw the cloud layer extending out from the office far below. The tops of other buildings were above the cloud layer but none of them were as high as this place. He looked toward the middle of the room and saw a Cartian female stand up from her small chair, as she walked around a simple wooden desk. Gregor glanced around and didn’t see any technological devices in the room, but he knew they were present…somewhere. “Welcome to Cartia, Gregor MacGregor and Elena Oliver. I’ve been looking forward to meeting you.”

  “Thank you for allowing us to see you,” Gregor responded.

  “It was the safest thing I could do.”

  This Cartian was much older than Averel. She was probably middle-aged or slightly older. “Safest?” Gregor asked.

  “You are going out to find the Filament Maker’s, aren’t you?”

  Gregor and Elena were stunned silent.

  • • •

  It took Gem six-days to arrive at Romania. By the time he entered normal space, he was starting to shake. He flew in toward the planet and saw six-Alliance Warships headed toward him from orbit. He stopped his ship and waited. His monitor illuminated, and he saw Captain Lawrence Driver, “Sorry, Sir, but you have been forbidden to go to Romania.”

  “Captain, all I want is to speak with Ana Romanov.”
r />   “She has also forbidden any communications from you, Sir.”

  Gem exhaled softly and said, “Lawrence, will you deliver a message to her.”

  “Sir, she had made it clear you are persona-non-gratis.”

  “Lawrence, I’m the one that promoted you. Please! Just tell her one simple thing.”

  Lawrence stared at Gem and remembered fighting for him in the Tronan War. “What is it?”

  “Tell her I said, it’s not my fault.”

  “Are you sure about that, Sir?”


  The monitor went dark, and Gem waited. He didn’t have to wait long. Ana appeared on the screen and she was screaming at him, “YOU HAVE THE NERVE TO COME HERE AND SAY IT’S NOT YOUR FAULT!! IT’S ALL YOUR FAULT!! YOU ENDGANGERED MY CHILDREN ALONG WITH EVERY PERSON IN THE ALLIANCE. YOU’RE DISPICABLE AND…”

  Gem interrupted her, “The King has been manipulating my DNA without me knowing it.”

  Ana stopped yelling and lowered her eyes, “You’re worse than that! Lies come out of your mouth when you open it…”

  “You can prove it.” Ana stopped speaking and Gem continued, “Pull up the scan that was done when I came out of the bath after my ship was destroyed. Scan me now and compare them.”

  Ana continued to stare at him and then the monitor went dark. Gem put his head in his hands. This last dose the King subjected him to was powerful. A few moments later, Captain Driver appeared on his monitor, “Lower your energy field; the Prime Director has ordered you scanned.” Gem shut down the hull’s energy systems and he sat up straight as a powerful scanning beam went through the ship. The monitor went dark again, and Gem sat in his chair shaking.

  A minute later, Ana appeared and said, “There is a difference in the scans. Something has changed since the destruction of your ship.”

  Gem raised his head and Ana saw his eyes were red and he was trembling, “The last dose is powerful Ana. I’m losing it.”


  The six-warships flashed up and hooked up Gem’s ship with a tractor-beam. They turned on their emergency lights and flew down toward the planet at high speed. Ten-civilian-ships were pushed out of the way by the warship’s force fields; the seven-ships landed in front of the giant mansion. Gem stumbled back to the exit port and fell out of it. Ana had three-warriors with her and she snapped, “TAKE HIM INTO THE FIRST-FLOOR FACILITIES AND PUT HIM IN THE TUB. DO NOT GET ANY OF THE WATER ON YOU! GET MOVING!!”