The Fight for Britannia 7: Civil War Page 8
After another thirty minutes, Grady heard Sweets thoughts that were being linked to him through Coco, “They have four thousand warships on the moon’s surface.”
“Tell Kendal to launch her ships but keep them hidden until I tell her otherwise.”
“Will do.”
Grady knew he and Taffy were being watched closely and he decided that he couldn’t confront them with Taffy present. He raised his hand and the current speaker paused. Isobel asked, “Is there something wrong?”
“No, but my wife just can’t bear long meetings with long presentations. I think we’ve heard enough to know that you’re doing a great job in building your defenses and hearing more is only going to support that conclusion. I think I’m ready to head back to Britannia but before I go, is there anything we can do to assist you in your preparations?”
Isobel smiled sweetly and said, “I’m concerned that all the warships you’ve sent here are getting so numerous that there is a risk that our planet might be discovered by the Colonies.”
“The ships are not detectable,” Grady replied.
“I know that but having so many makes us nervous.”
Grady looked at her and then lifted his communicator, “Admiral Ware.”
“Yes Sir.”
“Please power up your ships and move them to the other side of the black hole and have them gather at the Triangulum Capital Planet.” Grady noticed out of the corner of his eye that Isobel was shocked by his order.
“Sir, does the Planet Leader agree with this order.”
“I have been given the authority to handle all issues at this Colony. Please gather your fleet and start moving immediately.”
“Yes Sir. We’ll launch in thirty minutes.”
Grady turned to Isobel, “I apologize if having so many of our ships here was a problem for you. We genuinely felt you would like having them here to defend your planet if it was discovered but I can understand your concern. We want to work with you and not have any issues between us. While my fleet is moving, is it possible to take a break to get something to eat before we leave?”
Isobel gathered herself and forced a smile, “Certainly. I’ll have the food brought in immediately.”
Grady stood up and stretched. Taffy stood up beside him and said, “Thank God you’ve decided to go. I’m brain dead from all those reports.”
Grady laughed, “I should have just left you on the ship.”
“I wanted to come and apologize for my behavior last time we were here.”
“I think they accepted it. You should have left then.”
Taffy punched him on the arm, “That would have been impolite to our ally.”
“When has that ever stopped you in the past?” Taffy laughed and Isobel started to relax. The sound of the feed from the camera watching the Henricks was being fed directly to an earpiece in her ear. She looked at her son and smiled, “You may return to your ship. I think the meeting is over.” The Colony Commander stood and left the room.
Taffy looked at Isobel, “You have a very handsome son, Madam President.”
“I’m quite proud of him.”
“He looks a lot like you,” Grady commented.
“He left Britannia with me just before the Coalition attacked. He’s lived through a lot.”
Grady nodded, “I think all of us have.”
Grady sat down beside Admiral Kosare and Isobel felt her nervousness shooy up. But Kosare followed his orders and said nothing to reveal her plan to attack New Sydney. Finally, Grady stood up and apologized for leaving before the presentations were over. Isobel asked him to stay and spend a few days, but Grady insisted he promised his grandchildren to return as soon as possible. Grady led Taffy to their shuttle and Isobel watched them board and she said, “What were you able to determine?”
“He was nervous about something halfway through the presentations but not anything out of the ordinary. He was right about one thing.”
“What was that?”
The psychologist answered through her earpiece, “His wife was miserable, and her physical readouts confirmed it. I suspect his nervousness was due to her being so unhappy at having to stay and listen to us.”
Isobel watched the shuttle rise into the atmosphere and disappear before saying under her breath, “I hope you’re right about that.”
• • •
Grady flew the shuttle into the Brer Rabbit and activated its systems. He looked at the scanner and shook his head, “There are five Colony warships following us. They won’t be able to see us now that the stealth systems are activated.”
“What’s going on?”
Grady turned the ship toward the Arrow and replied, “They’re planning to launch a sneak attack against New Sydney as soon as we leave.” Taffy’s hand went to her throat. “I know, I know. We’ll discuss that with them once I’m on board the Arrow.”
“Are they that incredibly stupid?”
Grady raised a shoulder, “They don’t deal well with threats to them. I’m sure they figure that the attack will kick off the war with the Colonies and that we’ll win it removing the Colonies as a threat to them.”
“But millions could die in the ensuing war.”
“They could care less,” Grady replied as he flew the Brer Rabbit into the Arrow’s landing bay. Kendal was waiting for Grady and he said, “Let’s go to your bridge and I’ll contact the Colony President from there.” Grady thought, “Sweets, meet me on the Arrow’s bridge with Coco.”
“On our way.”
Taffy hugged Kendal, “It’s been so long since I’ve seen you.”
Kendal returned Taffy’s hug and replied, “Things have been a whirlwind since I’ve gotten back and I’m sorry I’ve not had time to stop by. It’s good to see you as well.” Kendal turned to Grady, “What do you want me to do about those warships on the moon.”
“Target every one of them and be ready to destroy them all if I order it.”
Kendal stared at him for a moment and began speaking over her communicator. They arrived on the bridge and Grady looked at Sweets, “Did you stop Admiral Ware’s fleet?”
“I contacted him through Coco, and I ordered him to stop and return back to the planet.”
“Order him to target every one of their warships and be prepared to open fire on my order.”
“Are you sure about this?”
“Yes I am, Sweets. Now send the order.”
• • •
Grady sat down in a command chair next to Kendal and Coco turned to her mother, “Mommy, is G-diddy going to kill all those people?”
“If they don’t listen to reason, I’m sure he will. Do you not want to take part in this? I can have him use a communicator.”
“No, I’ll link him with them. I’ve been listening to that woman leading the planet and she’s actually hoping Britannia is destroyed by the Colonies.”
“Make sure G-diddy knows that.”
Coco nodded and after a moment said, “I told him.”
“Go sit beside G-diddy.”
Coco went over and sat down in Taffy’s lap next to Grady’s chair. Grady looked at her and asked, “Is it possible for you to broadcast what we’re discussing such that everyone on the planet can hear?” Coco nodded. “Start doing that when I nod to you.” Coco nodded again.
Grady looked at Kendal and she looked up from her console, “All their warships have been targeted Sir.”
Grady looked at Coco, “Link me in with the woman leading the planet.”
Isobel was speaking with the other planetary leaders and suddenly hear Grady in her mind, “You and I need to have a discussion about the warships you’re hiding on the moon and what you’re planning to do with them.”
“How are you…?”
“I’m being linked to you by one of my telepaths.”
Isobel turned to her First Assistant, “I’m going onto my office. See that I’m not interrupted.”
“Yes Madam President.”
Isobel entered her of
fice and closed the door. Isobel sat down and thought, “What I plan to do with my ships is none of your business.”
Grady nodded to Coco, “It is my business if you use them to precipitate a war between Britannia and the Colonies. You know that if you attack the Colonies’ Capital that they will assume that Britannia made the attack.”
“You don’t know that for sure.”
“Who else could it be? They know nothing about your Colony’s existence and we’re the only one left to have done it. You’re attacking them to cause them to attack Britannia.”
“I’m entitled to defend my Colony against all enemies and the Colonies are a clear threat to our survival!”
“They’re only a threat if they know of your existence and they know nothing about you.”
“I refuse to wait for them to discover us. I will attack them.”
“Even if it leads to Britannia being attacked in turn?”
“Britannia is not my concern. My only concern is protecting the Colony.”
“So, using your logic, your Colony represents a clear threat to the survival of Britannia. Tell me why I shouldn’t remove the threat you represent.”
“You wouldn’t dare do that!”
“Why not? You don’t seem to care about the lives that could be lost on Britannia. Matter of fact, my telepath tells me you hope Britannia is destroyed.”
“You will not interfere in our sovereignty.”
“That’s like telling a criminal that has a blaster pointed at you that you cannot defend yourself because you have no right to violate his intentions. I will not only interfere with your plan, but I will make sure you aren’t able to endanger Britannia and Earth by your selfish actions.”
“You will not be able to stop my attack. Your fleet is gone, and they can’t arrive in time to stop my ships.”
“Isobel, are you certain you want to go through with this?”
The hatred in Isobel’s mind was clear, “You caused me great harm last time you came here. I won’t allow you to interfere with my plans again.”
Grady sighed, “The people on your Colony and I both came from Britannia. I look at them fondly, but I have no other option but to take action to stop you.”
“You have no options!”
“Actually, I have two. Why don’t you choose the one you want done.”
“You’re bluffing.”
“I hope you’re aware that I do have scouts at New Sydney watching the planet. Your first choice is that I contact my scouts and tell them to warn New Sydney that a rogue human planet is launching an attack against them. I’ll give them the coordinates of your Colony when I deliver that message to them.” Isobel was stunned as Grady continued, “Your second choice is that I destroy every one of your warships.”
“You can’t do that. It’s an idle threat.”
Grady felt immense sorrow and it showed in his thoughts, “I brought one of our Super Carriers with me and all four thousand of the warships you’ve been hiding on the moon are currently targeted by its warships.”
“You’re lying! You can’t detect our warships to target them!”
“Then tell me how I know there are four thousand hiding on the moon? Your son has arrived there, and his ship is targeted as well. I’ve also ordered Admiral Ware to target every one of your warships above the planet and we are prepared to destroy them. We are able to detect your warships and if any ship lifts off the moon’s surface it will be destroyed.” Grady paused and added, “I prefer the second option because it won’t endanger the population of your Colony, but I will allow you the choice.” A moment later Grady thought, “Just so you have enough information to make a good choice, I’m going to allow you to detect my carrier.” Isobel looked up at the wall monitor in her office and suddenly saw a gigantic vessel suddenly appear and then disappear. Grady’s thoughts turned grim, “Make your choice.”
“Notify them we’re coming! They’ll come after you when they finish with us!”
Suddenly, Admiral Kosare’s voice was heard over the communication frequency, “All Colony Warships will remain in place until further notified!”
Isobel screamed into her Communicator, “LAUNCH YOUR SHIPS NOW DUNCAN!!”
Duncan ordered the ships on the moon to launch but the only one to lift from the moon’s surface was his vessel. It rose a hundred feet before it was hit by twenty brilliant blaster beams and vaporized. Isobel watched the huge monitor and saw on the tactical screen her son’s ship destroyed. Her office door opened, and two armed guards entered and raised their blasters at her. She pulled her hand blaster, put it to her head, and pulled the trigger.
Coco looked up at Grady and said, “That woman just killed herself.”
Grady blew out a breath and shook his head. Taffy put her hand on his shoulder, “She brought this on herself, Grady.”
“I know.”
Kendal looked at her console and turned to Grady, “An Admiral Kosare has requested to speak to you.”
Grady sighed and said, “Put it on my console.”
Kosare appeared and said, “I tried to talk Isobel out of her plans but failed.”
“I notice you didn’t tell me what was going on,” Grady replied.
“If your elected leaders told you not to reveal their plans, would you have disobeyed them?”
“I have no way of knowing without being placed in that situation. However, there are consequences to decisions, Admiral.”
“What are you going to do?”
“I am removing all of your warships until this crisis with the Colonies is over. I’ll leave a fleet here to defend you until that happens and if we lose to the Colonies, you will take command of that fleet.”
“What are you going to do with our warships?”
“They will be parked on your moon and will remain there.”
“I think we would be better served if you take them and use them in the coming confrontation with the Colonies. Further, just assign scouts to warn if any Colony Warships are moving in our direction and take our fleet with you.”
“Finding enough crews to man your ships will take time.”
“I hope you noticed that none of our ships followed Isobel’s orders. They heard the telepathic conversation you had with her and all of us are ashamed of what happened. She revealed at the end that her pride was more important than the Colony’s survival. Our crews can be trusted to follow orders, Grady. Please take our ships and use them.”
“How do you expect me to trust them?”
“Use your telepaths to make that determination. I have no doubt that they will follow orders and work with your forces to defend our Colony and Britannia,” Kosare replied.
Coco looked at Grady, “He’s right, G-diddy. The Colony’s crews are ashamed of what they were ordered to do.”
“You could see it this quickly?”
“It’s easier to see the ones that don’t feel shame, but they are few and I’ll give you the names of the ones that need to go.”
Grady nodded and said, “I’ll instruct Admiral Ware to work your ships into his forces. We’re going to leave his fleet here unless the Colonies launch an attack.”
“I’m sorry Grady.”
“You always say that at the end. Why don’t you do something before it comes to this?!” Grady asked forcefully.
“I’ve not had the authority in the past, but I’ve been chosen to replace Isobel. I’ll not let you down again.”
“I fervently pray you mean that.” Grady ended the contact and turned to Coco, “That was a brilliant idea to force Isobel to choose between our responses. It allowed everyone on the Colony to see her for who she was.”
“She hated you so much she would put all of her people at risk to get back at you,” Coco responded.
Grady sighed, “Give me the names of the sailors that need to be removed from the Colony fleet.”
“I’ve already sent them to Admiral Ware. He said he will handle the issue.”
Grady looked at Sweets and smiled
, “You have some daughter.”
Sweets put her hand on Coco’s shoulder, “I know. Charlie and I are quite proud of her.”
Grady turned to Kendal, “I’m taking the Rabbit back to Britannia to report to Cami. You should stay here until Admiral Ware gets the Colony’s warships worked into his command.”
“Yes Sir. I can use the time to have my ships go through maneuvers.”
Grady and Taffy left with Sweets and Coco on the Brer Rabbit and he said as they left the landing bay, “I knew something wasn’t good here; I hate being right.”
Taffy nodded, “Let’s hope that isn’t an issue again.”
Grady pushed the acceleration handle forward and said, “If it is, I won’t be coming back to handle it. This is a nightmare out of my past.”
Sweets saw Coco was not saying anything, which wasn’t like her. “What’s bothering you?”
Coco glanced at Grady and then said to her mother, “I don’t think they will be a problem in the future.”
“Why not?”
“Most of the people on that planet want to return to Britannia and the only thing holding them back is the threat from the Colonies. If that goes away, most of them will ask to move to Britannia.”
Grady heard Coco and glanced at Taffy. That was an issue to be handled at another time. He was startled to hear Coco add, “That older man who is now the new leader wants to go home so much it hurts.”
Grady’s eyes moistened and he vowed that would happen if Britannia survived the Colonies.
• • •
Cami sighed and ended the contact with Grady; she was thankful he had gone to the Colony instead of her. She didn’t know if she could have ordered all of the Colony’s warships destroyed. That was something she would have to work on. Making hard life or death decisions was part of her job and if she flinched making them…well…Britannia might have to pay a price for her reluctance. “Got a minute?”
“What’s up?” She asked Stoney.
“Devin is ready to attempt his escape.”