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The Lost Prince Page 9

  “Why is that?”

  “I believe the war is over. I want a delay until it can be confirmed.” He thought a moment and wondered if the war is over, why are we crowning a new Monarch? Well, it was too late to stop it now.

  • • •

  The Coronation went off without a hitch. The three hour long ceremony was resplendent with all the trappings of Royalty’s highest ceremony. Drey sat in the rear of the giant building and watched the new King closely. He was young but his eyes were remarkably clear. He saw his brain activity and in a room full of Genetics, his was the brightest. Well, except for his. When he sat down the representatives he was seated close to stared at him like he had three eyes. He could see their thoughts on their faces, “What was he doing here?”

  He settled in and wondered when the Prince was going to make an appearance. So far, he had not shown.

  • • •

  The elaborate ceremony finally ended and King Britain Albert Montgomery was announced to a thunderous ovation. The New King smiled and said, “Thank you, please be seated.” Everyone sat and the King said, “I understand there is a representative from the Nebula here.” Silence crashed down on the room. The Scientist wondered what the King was doing. This was highly irregular. The King looked out at the gathering and said, “Where is the representative?”

  Drey’s expression didn’t change but he thought, “And so it begins.” He stood and said, “That would be me, Your Majesty.”

  Everyone in the building turned to see who it was. Many of them knew of the Dark Officer’s reputation. The King said, “Please come forward.”

  Drey left his seat and walked down the aisle and saw the hostile looks from the representatives. He arrived at the front and bowed, “Congratulations, Your Majesty.”

  The Lead Scientist stood next to the new King and had the Nebula Officer locked in on the Obelisk’s defenses. The King said, “I’m curious why you chose to attend today?”

  “The Nebula is a member of the Union and we are expected to send a representative to honor you on this occasion.” The design of the building allowed every one present to hear the conversation near the throne.

  “That’s a good answer but not the real one. What’s the real reason you came today?”

  Drey smiled slightly, which was unusual for him. This young King was sharp. Drey said, “I want to make sure all of the Union knew that the Dictator that started the rebellion had a very unfortunate accident and no longer rules the Nebula.”

  “What kind of accident?”

  “He was unable to step out of the way of a blaster beam.” The King stared at Drey and had a small smile. Drey tilted his head and said, “You know how we lose our reflexes as we get older.”

  The King’s smile grew and he said, “So where does that leave the rebellion?”

  “It’s over. The Nebula Members have been notified that in one year there will be a general election on all the planets to determine who is going to lead. I humbly ask that if the Monarchy will help us, we would like inspectors from Euclid to be present to insure the election is done properly.”

  The room was stunned. The Nebula had always had a single controlling Dictator. Was this true?

  The King leaned back on his throne and put his hand on his chin with his index finger over his lips. He stared at Drey and after a long moment he said, “Who is ruling the Nebula in the interim?”

  “I am, Your Majesty.”

  The King’s smile disappeared. He looked at Drey and said, “I’ve seen the reports on what you’ve done during the rebellion. Why should I believe what you’re saying?”

  “There is really no evidence to present that would persuade you to believe me.”

  “What makes you qualified to rule the Nebula?”

  Drey smiled, “I mean absolutely no disrespect, Your Majesty, but what qualifies you to rule the Union?”

  The Lead Scientist said, “The King is a product of Genetic development and is the best of our people.”

  Drey did smile at that. He looked at the scientist and said, “I just discovered my name a week ago.”

  The scientist said, “So?”

  “The name I was given at birth was Britain Andrey Montgomery.”

  The attendees from Euclid screamed at the sacrilege. Drey saw the Scientist was stunned. The King shouted, “You will be silent!” The room was silent as the Obelisk started getting brighter. The King looked at Drey and said, “If what you say is true, you would have been King?”

  “I was told that.”

  “By who?”

  “The Prince.” The room started murmurings until the King looked at the assembly. “When did he tell you this?”

  “A week ago.”

  The King quickly leaned forward and said, “We were told he was about to be killed two weeks ago!”

  Drey shrugged and said, “Well, when he had a blaster pointed at me, he and his companion appeared to be in perfect health.”

  “What companion?”

  Drey looked at the Lead Scientist and said, “They never mentioned her name but the Prince told me that only two high Genetics had ever disappeared from Euclid. I was one and she was the other.”

  The King watched the exchange and saw the Scientist’s shocked expression. “What’s wrong?”

  The Scientist said, “Your Majesty, please give me a moment.” The King nodded and the Scientist said, “Describe the companion.”

  Drey said, “She was extraordinarily beautiful. She had the most violet colored eyes I’ve ever seen. Her hair was black but when the sunlight hit, it had auburn highlights. I’m not sure how that happens. She was about five feet seven and well proportioned.” The Scientist manipulated a device and a picture appeared on the huge display behind the King. Drey turned and said, “That’s the companion.” Drey saw the Scientist’s expression and said, “Am I missing something here?”

  “Are you absolutely sure it was her?”

  Drey tilted his head, “I’m also a Genetic. It was her.”

  The King said, “Tell me what this means.”

  “Your Majesty, that woman was the most highly measured Genetic we’ve ever produced. She was slotted to marry the Prince but disappeared before the announcement. We’ve never been able to find her.”

  The King turned to Drey, “Why did the Prince meet with you?”

  “At the time he said he was going to kill me, but changed his mind after he discovered who I am.” The King nodded for him to continue. “After the fact, I think they knew that if I learned who I am and what had been done to my family I would do something about the one that did it.”

  “What are you saying?”

  Drey shrugged, “They knew I would take my vengeance on the Dictator. It was their way of ending the rebellion.”

  “What happened at the end of your meeting?”

  “They walked away. I was in such a state of disarray; I didn’t order my troops to kill them.”

  The King stared at the Nebula Ruler and said, “This really doesn’t make sense. The Prince called for the assembly. He knew the Nebula would be neutralized once the Obelisks were activated.”

  Drey shrugged, “I’ve come to the same conclusion. I now think he was giving me the opportunity to find myself and allow me the possibility to redeem myself for my prior actions.” Drey paused, “I think he also wanted me to start the Nebula working on building defenses against the Aliens.”

  The entire room erupted. Drey saw the King and Scientist were stunned at his comment. The King restored silence and Drey said, “He hasn’t told you?”

  The Scientist said, “We’ve not communicated with the Prince since he escaped your attack. He sent a recording but he has not been heard from.”

  Drey shook his head, “I don’t understand why you wouldn’t have been given the first warning.”

  The King said, “Warning about what?”

  Drey shook his head and knew the Prince was beyond him. This didn’t make sense. He said, “I suspect the reason you never foun
d his companion is that she left the Union and went outside its borders. Evidently she found a planet where every being on it was killed in an attack from orbit. The beings they found were not human.”

  The Silence was thick enough to cut with a knife. The Scientist said, “And you believed them?” Drey looked at the Scientist and smiled. The Scientist knew what he was thinking and said, “What proof did they offer?”

  Drey shrugged, “I’ll show you, but you’ll have to deactivate the Obelisk’s defenses.”

  “Why would I do that?”

  “I’ll be killed if I show you the evidence. Just have one of your guards point a blaster at my head while we’re doing this.”

  The King said, “Do it!” The Scientist stared at the King and finally nodded to one of the guards that came forward and pulled his hand blaster and held it against Drey’s head. The Scientist pressed controls on a unit and the Obelisk’s light dimmed.

  Drey said, “I’m going to do this slowly so don’t get excited.” They entire room watched the display showing a close up of the ones standing at the throne, Drey raised his arm and held it out away from the King. Suddenly a blaster appeared and everyone was shocked. Just as suddenly it disappeared.

  The Scientist said, “You were scanned for weapons when you entered. We scanned you down to the molecular level.”

  Drey lowered his arm and said, “I don’t know where it goes.”

  “May I see it?”

  Drey looked at the guard with the blaster pointed at his head and said, “Just take it easy.” The guard tried not to smile but Drey saw it. He raised his arm and the blaster appeared. He took it by the barrel with his other hand and handed it to the scientist. The Scientist took it and manipulated it in his hand and tried to take a good grip. “You’re wasting your time.”

  The Scientist looked at Drey and he saw the wonder on the Scientist’s expression. The King said, “What?”

  The Scientist looked at the King and said, “This blaster was not designed to fit a human hand.”

  The Scientist looked at Drey and said, “How were you able to hand it to me without it disappearing?”

  “I don’t know how it functions, but it seems to know my intentions. I believe that if I make a motion of releasing it, it will disappear again.” The Scientist nodded. Drey raised his arm and quickly opened his grip. The blaster disappeared from the Scientist’s hands. The King and Scientist stared at Drey and he said, “They were holding blasters that were very different from this one and they told me that theirs were much more powerful that the one they gave me.”

  The Scientist said, “Have you determined the power of your blaster?”

  “It can penetrate the strongest force field in the Empire.”

  The King stared at Drey and said, “Why would they give their sworn enemy such a destructive weapon?”

  Drey looked at them and said, “You haven’t figured it out?” The King and Scientist looked at each other and shook their heads. Drey smiled, “I thought the Prince was not real bright when he showed up to speak to me. Now I know better. He gave me that blaster to improve the chances I could remove the Dictator. He also gave it to me to show you. He knew he wasn’t going to come here.”

  The King looked at the Scientist, “If the Prince is still alive, am I King?”

  The Scientist slowly shook his head, “You will be King until he sets foot on Euclid. It appears he is not going to do that.”

  “Why not?”

  “He no longer desires to possess the Crown.”

  Drey said, “I know what he wants to do.” They turned to him and he said, “He wants to do the same thing I do…he wants to find those aliens.”

  “Why would he do that?”

  “Because the love of the Union has been genetically bred into him.”

  “Why would you want to do that? You don’t love the Union.”

  Drey gave his biggest smile, “That’s true, but I do love a good fight.”

  Chapter Nine

  Ian and Violet sat at the picnic table outside a restaurant on Carrolwood. They had jumped in an hour earlier and Ian had walked slowly to the table and sat down. Violet looked at him and felt his sadness. “I met her here. I used her to escape the Agent’s scanners.” Violet took his hand in hers and was silent. “She was so full of life and her smile was remarkable. She had good values and was a good person. She didn’t deserve to have her life taken away so young.”

  Violet squeezed his hand and said, “What would have happened if you didn’t do it?”

  “I’m not sure what you mean?”

  “If the Agents had detected you in here, what would they have done?”

  Ian thought a moment and said, “Everyone near me would have been blasted. I suppose the entire building would have been destroyed and they would have searched the rubble for my DNA to confirm my death.”

  “She and all her friends would have died anyway, Ian.”

  “I guess.”

  They remained at the table for another hour until Ian finally came to terms with what happened. Later when the story became known how the Lost Prince and Princess had come back to mourn the death of the one that saved his life, a monument was built in Natalie’s honor and the planet was renamed Natalia. The newly elected leader of the Nebula was the first one to place flowers on her grave. The millions that came to dine at Ricardo’s on the River would stand beside the table and gently touch it. Most meals were eaten in silence. Ricardo’s was the second Historical Site designated by the Union as a place to never be changed. The first was Natalie’s grave.

  • • •

  A year later, Drey participated in the change of power as the elected Prime Minister took power. He wore the immaculate Black Uniform of the Nebula and saluted the new leader. The transfer had taken place peacefully and the election was the first of many to follow. The Prime Minster took his place on the throne and said, “This would not have happened but for your actions.”

  “I hope you make sure my actions are worth it, Your Excellency.”

  “Of that you can be certain. What are you going to do now?”

  “I think it’s time I meet some old friends.”

  “Do you think you can find them?”

  “No.” The Prime Minister was surprised at the response until Drey said, “They will find me.”

  “Go and defend us. The New Commonwealth will pray for your success.”

  Drey turned and walked out of the room to the cheers of everyone in attendance. He briefly thought, “What a difference a year makes.” He boarded his small ship and flew above the planet and tried to decide where to go.

  “I guess you’re ready now.”

  Drey smiled and said, “I wondered what you were waiting on.”

  “The Nebula had to be tamed. You were the only one that could make it happen.”

  “How did you know I wouldn’t have run in the election?”

  “It’s too tame for someone like you.”

  Drey shook his head, “I guess you know me better than I know myself.”

  “I need you to do something for us.”

  “What is that?”

  “I want you to go pick up two passengers and bring them with you to the coordinates I’ve sent. Will you do that?”

  “What two passengers are you talking about?”

  He listened to the response and didn’t like it. “I’m not for this.”

  “That’s the only way we’ll bring you in on this.”

  “I work better alone.”

  “Have you ever tried any other way?”

  Drey started laughing. “You always have the right answer.”

  “Good, will you accept our terms?”

  “I will. I wouldn’t miss this for the entire Union.”

  “Neither would we.”

  Drey set his drive and thought, “You’ve certainly made that clear.”

  • • •

  The Lead Scientist yelled at the engineer, “You have got to find a way to strengthen the force
field around the Obelisk.”

  “We’ve done all we can.”

  “This is a minimal increase. You’ve got to do better.” He felt his communicator vibrate and he punched it and said, “WHAT!?!”

  “Have I caught you at a bad moment?”

  The Scientist looked at his unit and saw Drey’s name. “I’m sorry; I’m somewhat frustrated at the moment.”

  “I need to speak with you.”

  “Where are you?”

  “Just above Euclid.”

  “Send me your transponder code. I’ll clear you for entry and you can meet me at the red building across the mall from the government building.”

  The Scientist set the code in the defense system and wondered what the Nebula Officer wanted. Thirty minutes later Drey walked in and said, “I have been asked to take you to meet the Lost Prince.”

  The Scientist’s expression showed his shock. Then he said, “By all means, I’ll take the Royal Yacht.”

  “No, he says you and one other should come in my ship.” The Scientist stared at Drey and he said, “The Prince is not yet willing to come back.”

  “That young whippersnapper doesn’t understand the meaning of responsibility.”

  Drey shrugged, “I suspect he understands it better than anyone on this planet.”

  The Scientist stared at Drey and said, “Who else does he want to come?”

  “I don’t know.”


  Drey said, “You should understand that I am completely against this, but he says the highest ranking Genetic should come with us and they will remain with me until the mission is completed.”

  “What mission is that?”

  “Finding the location of the aliens and determining the threat they represent.”

  “Why do they want the highest ranking Genetic to go with you?”

  “I suspect they believe that I might cause unnecessary problems if I’m left to my own devices.”

  The Scientist smiled, “I suspect they’re right.” Drey just shrugged. “Why should I do this?”

  Drey slowly shook his head, “Come on; even a normal human could figure this out.”

  “They’re going to take us to the planet.”

  “That’s how I see it.”