The Fight for Britannia IV: Fighting for Humanity Read online

Page 18

“If we had stayed much longer…”

  “I know, Ed. But this ship can handle it long enough for us to make an escape.”

  Ed turned to Mike, “How close can we get and escape, Sir.”

  What hit us was a cross-fire from their lines. We should be able to be inside fifty miles of a single Planet Killer.”

  Both looked at the monitor and saw two giant explosions in the distance. Ed zoomed the recording in closer and Mike sighed. Neither heavy missile had made it to their target. He worried that the cutter blaster was going to be the only weapon the Garrions could use against the Planet Killers behind their blaster barrages.

  • • •

  RJ stared at the recording on the forward monitor and asked, “Did you receive the telemetry from the two missiles, Matt.”

  “I did, Sir.”

  “What can you determine from it?”

  “The missile fired at the ship on the front line was burned up sixty miles out from its target, Sir. The second missile was burned out as soon as it hit the concentrated cross-fire surrounding the ship inside their lines.”

  Angel turned to Grady, “Troastle should have launched from a closer range!”

  “I didn’t give him orders on how far to launch from, Angel. I also didn’t order him to fire at a ship behind their front lines. I think the Captain did an outstanding job.”


  “Angel, we needed to find out the effective range of their heavy blasters as well. They exceeded the estimate given us by Fleet Intelligence by more than twenty miles. The object of this mission was to learn of their capabilities and Captain Troastle carried out his mission in excellent fashion.”

  “Why didn’t you tell him how far out to launch, Sir?” Matt asked.

  “I needed to see if Captain Troastle can think for himself. He’s shown that he can, and he will be put in command of a Garrion unit coming with the Carriers. He’ll not make any foolish mistakes with the warships under his command.” RJ turned to Angel, “By the way, were the other Garrions successful?”

  “They all escaped, and fourteen Planet Killers were destroyed,” Angel answered.

  RJ turned back to Matt, “Were any of them hit by the blaster barrages during their escape?”

  “No sir. The closest Planet Killers to them were destroyed and they were clear before the barrages reached them.”

  RJ stared at the main monitor and watched as the giant field of blasters continue to fire. He sighed, and Angel saw his expression, “You didn’t expect the missiles to get through, did you?”

  “No, their hulls aren’t thick enough.”

  “Then why did you order this attack? Now they know how to stop our heavy missile.”

  RJ nodded toward the monitor, “The aliens are now forced to keep the blaster barrages going. They can’t move a large number of ships without leaving gaps in their coverage. Before they can launch an attack on the Stealth Civilization, they’ll have to call in more warships. This attack was done to delay them, and it accomplished what I wanted. The Carriers should arrive before they can reinforce their lines.”

  • • •

  Desmond arrived at the New America and was surprised at how large the new Attack Carriers had grown from the original models. It was a giant and he suspected it was even larger than the alien’s Planet Killers. He saw the other two carriers arrayed beside the carrier and he shook his head at the numbers of Garrion Warships leaving and entering their landing bays. He stood up and looked at Captain Derringer, “You have the ship, Denny.”

  “Yes Sir.”

  Desmond and Louisa went to the Hare’s landing bay and boarded a shuttle. A voice came over the wall speaker, “Land in the forward landing bay, Sir. It is currently flashing an orange light over it.”

  “I see it. We’ll be there shortly.”

  “How were the Colonies able to build a ship this large, Des?”

  “Most of it was built above the planet. Once the outer shell was completed, it was moved to the planet’s surface and coated with the metal Grady invented on Britannia. It was moved back into orbit for the metal to harden.”

  “That must be some dipping pool.”

  Desmond smiled, “It’s about eighty-miles long and forty-miles wide. They have six of them on different Colony Planets.” They approached the forward landing bay and they saw the port open. Desmond flew in and noticed that one of the new force fields was keeping the atmosphere inside the bay. So many new inventions were coming on line. He saw that the Garrions had the small bulges on their hulls indicating they had the new deflector fields installed. It was technology from New Britannia that allowed them to add them to their existing hulls. He landed the shuttle and shutdown the power. He exited with Louisa and found a Junior Admiral standing outside, “Sir, if you’ll follow me, Admiral Frye is waiting for your arrival.”

  Desmond smiled, “Lead the way, Admiral.” They followed him to the carts and entered one with him. These carts were three times the size of the ones used on the old carriers.

  They arrived at the end of the tube and the young Admiral led them to a large portal. It opened on their approach and he turned right. Desmond and Louisa saw the giant bridge as they walked around it to a large door. The Admiral pressed a button and the door opened, “Admiral and Commodore Frye have arrived, Sir.”

  “Send them in.” Desmond and Louisa saw Kendal sitting at a large console at the front of the room and she waved them in. They walked to the front of the room and both saluted. Kendal returned their salute and said, “Please take a seat.” Louisa frowned. They hadn’t seen Kendal for years and she expected her to at least greet them with a hug. Kendal saw her frown and said, “It’s good to see you, Mother.” Louisa noticed she didn’t say the same to Des. They sat down and Louisa saw Des was maintaining an expression showing no emotion. Kendal turned to Des, “I’ve been notified that you have been sent here to take command of my Garrions. Will you tell me why that was done? My current commander of the Garrions is not at all pleased he is being replaced.”

  Des saw Kendal glaring at him and he lowered his eyes slightly, “Contact Fleet Admiral Connor and question her as to why it was done if you have an issue with it, Admiral.”

  Kendal’s expression showed her irritation and she replied, “Let’s get one thing clear. I am in command here and you will follow my orders.”

  Des’ expression didn’t change as he said, “You command the Carriers and can only supersede my authority if the Carriers are under attack. I command the Garrions and how they are used to attack our enemies. Please contact all the Garrion Commanders on all three carriers immediately and have them report to the conference room on this ship for a meeting.”

  “So that’s how you want to play this!” Kendal said with a scowl.

  Des maintained his expression as he replied, “That’s the difference between you and me, Admiral. I don’t play games.” Desmond turned and walked out of Kendal’s office.

  Kendal’s expression was angry, and Louisa said to her in a tone laced with venom, “I don’t know what happened to the daughter I raised but you are not her. The disrespect you just showed your father is unforgivable.”

  Kendal turned to her mother, “He is not my father! My father died on America.”

  Louisa walked around the table and put her nose an inch from Kendal’s, “If Desmond had not risked his life to save us, we would have died in the jaws of the carnivores attacking us. Perhaps you’ve forgotten that!?”

  Kendal leaned back slightly, “It was the Colonies that saved our people from the Fagan and he forced us to leave the Colonies and move to New Britannia! He had no appreciation for what they did to save all of us, MOTHER!”

  Louisa stared into Kendal’s eyes and stepped back. “Is that what all this is about?”

  “He betrayed the Colonies by leaving and swearing allegiance to New Britannia. It was the Colonies that saved us!” Louisa walked back around Kendal’s console and Kendal added, “I love you, Mom, but I hate him for forcing us to
move to New Britannia.”

  “You weren’t at the meeting where the plan to save America was formed, I was.” Kendal started to speak, and Louisa held up her hand silencing her. “Every Colony officer was given the chance to present a plan to stop the Fagan from sending a huge fleet into Melborne’s spiral arm, not one of them even suggested going to save America. The only one that suggested it was Maranda and all of them, including the Prime Minister, told her that there was no possible way America could be saved without revealing our existence. Grady spoke up and presented a plan that could save America. They resisted him at first, but he finally convinced them. Your precious Colonies would have left America as slaves to the Fagan if not for Grady Henricks and they really had no real problem doing it.”

  Kendal stared at her mother and said, “That can’t be true!”

  “I was there, Kendal!! Perhaps you haven’t noticed that most of the survivors from America have moved to New Britannia.” Kendal remained silent. “The way you just disrespected the man that saved our lives, and gave us a good home makes me ashamed of you more than I can say! And if you’re blaming him for forcing us to leave the Colonies then your anger is misplaced. I demanded we leave the Colonies for New Britannia and Desmond insisted we stay in the Colonies; he was born there! But I gave him a choice, either go with us to New Britannia or be alone in the Colonies without us. He yielded to me because he loved us so much. I chose to be with the man that saved my home world and not with the ones that turned their backs on it. You are a disgrace and I never want to speak to you again!” Louisa turned and walked out of the room. Kendal flinched at the sound of the slamming door behind her.

  Kendal stared at the door for a long moment and then sat down at her console. She touched it and said, “Connect me with Fleet Admiral Connor, Joyce.”

  “Yes Sir.”

  A few moments later, Maranda appeared on the large wall display, “Hello, Kendal.”

  “Sir, do you have a moment?”

  “I’ll make the time. What’s going on.”

  “I’ve just had a conversation with my mother, and she’s told me some things that I question.”

  Maranda’s head tilted slightly, “I’ve never known Louisa to ever say anything that wasn’t true.”

  “Sir, she says that in the meeting where the plan to save America was developed that no Colony officer, other than yourself, suggested attempting to save America from the Fagan. She further stated the Prime Minister was against making the effort as well.” Maranda nodded. “Is that true?” Kendal asked plaintively.

  “Absolutely. I suggested we try but I had no idea how we could pull it off. I was shut down by the Prime Minister. But Grady Henricks came up with a plan at that moment and convinced the Prime Minister and the officers that it was worth attempting. They eventually came around and agreed to try it.”

  “So, America would have been left to the tender mercies of the Fagan and remain slaves if Grady had not persuaded them to try to save it?”

  “Yes. Everything you just said is true, Kendal.” Kendal’s head lowered and Maranda asked, “What’s the problem, Kendal?”

  “After I graduated from secondary school, I told my parents that I was leaving New Britannia and going to the Academy on New Melbourne. They were totally against me going but I left anyway.”

  “Why did you go?”

  “I felt that my parents had betrayed the Colonies by leaving and swearing allegiance to New Britannia. It was the Colonies that saved America and I felt they had no appreciation for what they had done.”

  “Did you tell them that, Kendal?”

  “No. I didn’t think they deserved to know my reasons.”

  Maranda stared at Kendal in silence and finally stated, “You know that I left the Colonies as well.”

  “But you had a reason.”

  “Once this war is over, and if we win, I’ll be going back to New Britannia.”

  “Why would you do that. You’re loved in the Colonies.”

  “New Britannia is the safest place in this galaxy and that’s where I choose to raise my family,” Maranda replied. “Grady and Taffy have made it a very special place.”

  “The Colonies saved America, Maranda.”

  Maranda hesitated and replied, “They provided the ships to do it, but it was Grady that saved America. I remember the meeting where Grady presented his plan and your mother was close to rage that no one present except me spoke up to save America. Her leaving for New Britannia showed me just how much she disliked the heartless officers in that room. Perhaps you should discuss this with your parents, Kendal.”

  “I just did, and my mother told me she never wants to speak to me again.”

  “Give it some time and try again. I know both of them love you very much.”

  “Thank you for talking with me, Sir.”

  “Glad to do it.” The monitor darkened and Kendal thought back to that day when the Fagan had dropped her and her mother off in a clearing to die. Huge carnivores had picked up their scent and were rushing toward them. A small ship suddenly appeared, and a young man rushed out and used a blaster to burn the legs off the closest carnivores as he picked her up and pulled her mother toward the open port in the ship. They barely escaped as several carnivores rushed by under the ship as it lifted.

  Maranda was on that ship with the young man and she resented him. But Maranda told her after they became friends that if she had been the one sent out to save them, she would have backed off and left them there. The fact that Desmond went in and made the effort shocked her and that he was able to pull it off was just unbelievable. Somewhere along the way she had forgotten the event. Desmond had always treated her like his own daughter, and she turned her back on him. Those history classes in secondary school gave Melbourne all the credit for saving America and she had believed her teachers. Now she was thirty years old and finding out the truth about how America was saved. More memories rushed in and she forced herself to stop thinking. She blew out a breath and pressed the carrier’s general frequency, “All commanders of the Garrions, except for those assigned to Carrier defense, will report to my conference room promptly two hours from now to meet with your new commander.” Kendal ended the call and felt the memories come rushing in again.

  • • •

  Desmond heard the announcement over the intercom and sighed, “Well, at least she’s not making this a challenge.”

  “I’m done with her!”

  Des looked at Louisa, “NO, YOU ARE NOT!”

  “I will never forgive her for the disrespect she’s shown you!”

  Des stopped and took Louisa’s chin in his hand, “We will never…ever…give up on our children!” Louisa burst into tears and went into his arms. Des held her tightly and said softly, “The ones you love the most are the ones that can hurt you the most.” Louisa nodded as she continued to cry. After she dried her eyes, Des lifted his communicator, “Denny, move the ship into New America’s main landing bay.”

  “Yes Sir.” The America moved into the cavernous landing bay and the support crews anchored it down to the deck.

  • • •

  The Supreme War Leader looked at the Senior War Leader on his monitor and asked, “What’s going on?”

  “Supremacy, the civilization with the Stealth Ships has found a way to avoid our mass detectors. They destroyed fifty of our major warships that were pursuing one of their small units and launched a missile attack on my defensive positions. Fourteen major warships were destroyed but the subsequent missiles they launched did not make it through our blaster barrages.”

  “You didn’t detect the missiles coming in?”

  “No, Supremacy. They have apparently coated this new missile with the stealth material they use in their hulls.”

  “We need to launch a major attack on their inhabited planets and end this once and for all.”

  “But if we remove enough ships to launch that attack, we’ll leave the planets behind our lines vulnerable,” the Senior War Leader r
eplied nervously.

  “Keep your barrages going and I’ll get back to you.” The Supreme War Leader knew his subordinate was right. Where was he going to get enough warships to launch an attack? He flowed back in his chair and thought about the issue.

  • • •

  Desmond looked out at the 18,000 Garrion Commanders and waited for them to settle in. When the room finally grew silent, he started, “I’m Major Admiral Frye and I’ve been asked by Fleet Admiral Connor to come and lead you in the current mission against the Britannia Aliens.” The room started buzzing and Des said sternly, “You will remain silent unless other wised directed.” The assembly saw the steel in Des’s expression, and they grew silent. “Some of you may remember me from the attack on Melbourne; I led the Rabbits against the Fagan and aliens. Because of that experience, Fleet Admiral Connor has requested I command you in the coming mission. I know some of you may not like being led by someone from New Britannia, but frankly, I don’t care. One of our Admirals has been scouting the Britannia Aliens for the last four months and trialing our new weapons against their most advanced warships.” The pilots started looking at each other, this was something they had not been informed about.

  “Admiral Dunhan has successfully destroyed sixty-four of the alien’s newest Planet Killers and his unit has not been detected doing it. His mission is to delay the Britannia Aliens from learning that a civilization that uses stealth warships, which has been at war with them for hundreds of years, is migrating to another galaxy and will no longer be attacking them. Once they make that discovery, it will free up more than a million Planet Killers to be used on the Colonies side of the core. New Britannia Fleet Operations ordered Admiral Dunhan to try and make the aliens believe that it is the Stealth Civilization attacking them and not his warships. He has been given authority to open major hostilities against the aliens if absolutely necessary, but he intends to try and delay them without revealing the Colonies or New Britannia’s existence. He’s been successful doing that and he has been placed in overall command of this mission by New Britannia and the Prime Minister.”

  Des paused and looked out at the silent gathering. “We’ve learned a lot about the aliens’ newest Planet Killers and that’s why New Britannia Officers are leading this mission. I know that Admiral Dunhan is going to do everything possible to avoid our ships being discovered, so that means he will be avoiding a major confrontation. Each Carrier will have two thousand of their Garrions divided into four units with 500 Garrions in each. The remaining Garrions will stay with the Carriers for defense. Admiral Dunhan will determine how to use those units to delay the aliens from launching an attack on the Stealth Civilization’s territory. I’m honestly hoping most of you will not be involved in direct combat with the aliens. That may not happen but there is a great value in having all of you involved in this mission. You will see first hand the capabilities of the alien’s most advanced Warships and can go back to the colonies and train the other carriers on what to expect.”


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