The Prophet's Eyes: The Death Prophecies book two. Read online

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  “The Traugh sent out scouts looking for their missing ship and one of them approached the Bosrean Planet.”

  “I seem to remember something about that?”

  “The Prophet had them shutdown every electrical device on the planet. The scout didn’t detect any technology and turned away before it moved into visual range.”

  “That wouldn’t be possible now?”

  Lani looked up at him, “Why not?”

  “The entire planet is covered with electrical and nuclear power. It would take more than a week to shut it all down.”

  “Don’t we have longer than a week before they would arrive?”

  Steve’s eyes opened wide and Lani said, “I also think there’s another way to turn them around if all else fails.”

  “What is that?”

  She told him and he started shaking his head. He pulled her into his arms and kissed her hard, “I love you!” He jumped out of bed and ran toward the bridge to contact Admiral Osborn. Lani watched him go and suddenly smiled. He said he loved her! She jumped up and ran after him.

  Chapter Fifteen

  “Poul, are you recording?”

  “I am but I’m sending it live to Admiral Osborn’s console. She is sending it out the Earth’s Leadership Council and the Bosrean Leader. Alright, they’re about to begin.”

  • • •

  The leaders of the fifty plus Halo Civilizations were all on the chosen frequency and Groh sat at this desk and looked at them on the multiple monitors on his wall. There were twelve faces on some of the monitors but all of the ones taking part were there. The twenty Planetary Leaders and the highest ranking military leaders were present but had agreed that they would be silent and allow Groh to speak for them. Even Critzen didn’t object.

  Groh sat back in his chair and heard the Heglan open with a screaming condemnation of him and he remained silent and looked at the bank of wall monitors. He didn’t respond but the Heglan’s remark started all of the Leaders yelling at old enemies. Many said they would never work with their hated foes and the meeting went downhill from there. Groh sat in his chair in silence and stared at the camera sending his image out to the other leaders. The screaming went on for more than an hour and would have continued much longer except the Heglan Leader screamed, “YOU SIT THERE IN SILENCE! THIS IS YOUR FAULT!”

  Groh had to give the Heglan leader his due. His species’ voice could penetrate six inches of armored glass. Every leader heard him and stopped yelling at each other and stared at Groh. The conference was silent. Groh said in a calm voice, “You are right that my territory is going to be attacked. I honestly don’t know why this civilization chose to come here first but it did. I do know this. Their ignorance about the forbidden space could get all of us killed. I’ve refrained from speaking because I know all of you will think that I’m doing it out of self-interest because we’re the target. I can’t blame you for believing that. I’d think the same thing if I were in your place. But this I can honestly tell you: I am frightened more than I’ve ever been at what could happen if this civilization from another galaxy entered the forbidden space from our borders. This has nothing to do with protecting my own. If they make that mistake, all of us could die.” Groh paused and shook his head, “I know the ill will that many of us feel toward each other and all of us know the things that have caused it over the centuries. However, clinging to that hatred and not working together to prevent the Darkness from coming to kill us is not reasonable.”

  The conference was silent and the Mororat High Dictator said, “I know some of you wish to silence me because of your hatred, but I agree with the Asengo Leader. I am putting my hatred aside and wish to work with all of you to prevent the coming of the Darkness.”

  The Heglan Leader looked at Groh, “You honestly don’t know why that civilization attacked you?”

  “My astronomers tell me that my territory is located on the shortest direct path from that galaxy. I have no idea other than I was unfortunate to be the first territory they entered. I really believe it could have been any of us but I have the misfortune to be located on the shortest route from there.”

  The Mororat Dictator said, “What do you think should be done?”

  “As I said earlier, I know that you can’t trust me to speak honestly because it is my territory that is under attack.”

  The Heglan Leader interrupted and said, “My scientists have confirmed that you are right about being on the shortest path to that galaxy. With that confirmation, I am willing to hear what you have to say. The Heglan said, “Is there anyone that doesn’t want to listen?” The conference was silent and the Heglan said, “Speak what you have to say.”

  Groh took a breath and looked at the camera, “We can’t allow them to enter the halo. We have to stop them before they can make a mistake that would kill us all.”

  The Oringa Leader said, “How would you suggest making that happen?”

  “We all declare an immediate peace between our civilizations and agree to jointly attack anyone that violates it during this crisis.” The assembled Leaders nervously looked at the other Leaders on their monitors.

  “Go on.”

  “When we defeated them at our conquered planet, it took two of our ships to kill one of theirs.” A murmuring began and Groh said, “I will send all of you the recordings of that battle to confirm what I’m saying.” The conference became silent again and Groh said, “If we assume that is the case, we will need a better ratio than two to one to ensure victory against this invader.”


  Groh looked at the Vretal Leader, “Actually, I think we need double that amount to make sure.”

  The Mororat Dictator said, “Why so many?”

  “Because we are going to go to that galaxy and make sure that civilization does not represent a future danger to us.”

  The conference exploded into leaders yelling again but after twenty minutes it became quiet. Groh said, “I see you’ve had time to think about it. Just consider this. If all of us contributed half a million warships, that would be enough to do it. All of us have more than ten times that number in our fleets. If we all agree to not attack each other again until we meet again and call off the truce, then we can spare that many to protect us all.”

  “And what happens if some among us refuse to meet again?”

  “Then we end the truce sixty days after our ships return here. When the last ship is back at their territory, the sixty days will start at that moment.”

  The conference was silent and the Heglan said, “Is there any one present that will not participate in this?” The question was greeted with silence. “I’m going to take that as an affirmative that everyone will send the ships to meet this menace.” The Heglan paused and said, “Who will command the Fleets?”

  Groh said, “I will lead them.”

  The leaders were stunned. The leaders of civilizations were too precious to risk in a space battle. The Mororat shook its huge head, “Are you sure about this?”

  “Look, everyone should understand that in a battle involving this many warships, control is impossible. The fleets you send to meet this invader will stay together and fight together. Their Fleet Leaders will decide where to attack and when to attack to cause the most damage. I’ll be there to issue general instructions like when to go to that galaxy to attack them or where they might be out numbering us in a certain area of space. By and large, each fleet will fight individually and assist the others where needed. The sheer size and scope of this battle is beyond any one person directing the smaller details.” Groh paused and in the ensuing silence he said, “When we start getting the upper hand on this enemy, and we will get it, they will turn and flee toward their galaxy. We will pursue them and put an end to this threat and any others in that galaxy.”

  The Leaders began clapping. Slowly at first but then louder. At the end, they were cheering. For the first time the Halo Civilizations united for a common cause. Groh
began receiving the names of the fleet commanders that would be going with him. He recognized many of them as the best their civilizations had to offer. When the conference ended, the twenty Planetary Leaders stood and cheered him. Even Critzen joined in.

  • • •

  “Ok, wrap it up. We need to go back to Fleet and talk with Admiral Osborn. Poul, did you get a timeframe on when the Traugh are going to launch?”

  “Eight Days. They’re sending out scouts one day ahead of the main body of ships.”

  “Get us back to Earth.” The viewport dimmed and then they were moving into Earth’s atmosphere.

  Pam sat at a conference table with the Senior Admirals, Admiral Connor, Captain Halekia, Admiral Holmes and the President of Earth’s Leadership Council. She looked at Connor and said, “You have the floor.”

  “I think all of us understand what’s coming. I’m not going to get into the details of what we’re going to have to face. I want to discuss what we’re going to do about it. I see three things that we should be doing to prevent Earth’s being attacked. First, we need to try and prevent them from finding Earth or the Bosrean Planet.”

  President Granwell shook his head, “Just how do you intend to do that?”

  Pam looked at Granwell and said, “Mr. President, please hold your questions until the end so we don’t get sidetracked.” Granwell stared at her and wondered if she knew who she was dealing with. She stared him in the eyes and he decided she did. He nodded and sat back. “Go ahead, Admiral.”

  “The Traugh sent scouts to search for their missing warship years ago and one of then entered the Bosrean Planetary System. The Prophet had the Bosrean shut down every electronic device on the planet. The scout didn’t detect any evidence of technology and flew away before it came close enough to take a scan of the planet.” Granwell’s face turned grim and Connor said, “I realize that the Bosrean live on a planet with a sulfur atmosphere and that played a role in the scout’s leaving.” Granwell sat back. His point had been made. “However, Earth is more than forty thousand light years from the Traugh Empire and by the time any of the scouts from the Halo fly that far out, they’re going to be ready to call it off and go home. They’ll make an approach and not detecting anything, they will go to another planetary system. “If they continue in and scan the planet, we will try another tactic to get them to leave.”

  “What is that?”

  “We will threaten them with flying ships through the halo into the forbidden zone.” Pam stared at Steve and he said, “This was Captain Halekia’s idea and I’m going to allow her to explain it.”

  Lani stood up and smiled, “We should launch a fleet when the Traugh send theirs. Our ships are fast enough to go around Andromeda and move in on it from above the plane of the galaxy. The Halo Civilizations will be focused on the Traugh and we should be able to move in position without being seen. If they find Earth and start moving their fleets to attack, we will threaten them with flying through the halo into the forbidden space.”

  Pam sighed, “And just how are you going to make them believe that threat is real?”

  “Sir, they will leave a string of ships that are linked so they can communicate back and forth to their galaxy. We’ll tell them that our ships will contact then with a communication and that if they don’t leave we will carry out our threat.”

  “How will you be able to notify our ships to make that communication?”

  “We will go there and issue the order, Sir.”

  Pam stared at her and smiled, “I like it.”

  Granwell looked at Pam, “Can they get to Andromeda fast enough to do it?”

  “Yes, Mr. President, they can.”

  “What should we do with our fleets?”

  “Move them away from Earth and Bosrean but close enough to jump in and defend the planet if they refuse to listen.”

  Pam nodded and looked at Steve, “This sounds like a good suggestion.”

  “I’m hoping they don’t make it here.”

  “Why won’t they?”

  “Because the Unknown Enemy is a lot closer to the Traugh than we are. I suspect they’ll run in to them first and that will probably force them to flee.”

  “I didn’t consider them in this equation. Won’t that bring them into contact with us?”

  “If the Halo is able to attack and take out the Traugh, there’s no reason to come this way if the attackers are fleeing the galaxy. I suspect that will draw their attention to Andromeda.”

  “There’s far too many uncertainties in this to suit me. However, we will start preparing Earth to black out all electrical systems on demand. Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that.”

  • • •

  Groh was getting the communication links downloaded into his ship’s database when he heard his communication Leader say, “I have a call from one of the Mororat Dictators.”

  “Send it to my chair. He saw the button start flashing and he pressed it, “Groh, I’ve been thinking about what you said during the meeting.”

  “I said a lot. Is there anything in particular?”

  “You mentioned going out to find any possible threats in that galaxy.”

  “I did.”

  Well, my family and I were discussing that and the younger said something that made me start thinking about doing that.”

  “What did he say?”

  “He laughed and said, ‘What if that galaxy has a darkness at the core. It will come out and kill everything.” Groh’s heart almost stopped. The Mororat tilted it head, which Groh would have wagered was an impossible move for his species, “Would it stop there or follow our ships back to the halo and punish us for violating its space?”

  “That is a scary thought.”

  “I know.”

  Groh shook his head, “I’m contacting the others and telling them what you just told me. We will destroy that civilization and leave. We could make the same mistake not knowing what’s going on in that galaxy.”

  “I agree with your decision. I think I might be able to sleep again now.”

  The display went dark and Groh wondered if he would sleep after this.

  • • •

  Steve sat on the bridge staring at the monitor. Lani walked in and saw his expression and stopped running a brush through her hair, “What’s bothering you?”

  Steve sighed, “I’m worried that we’re doing the right thing.”

  “What in particular is bothering you?” She glanced up at the monitor and saw the list of Death Prophecies. She came over and sat down in her chair, “You really are worried.”

  “I am, Lani.”

  “Let’s talk this through and see if we can determine if we are on the right track.”

  “Ok. Here’s what I’m going to do; I’m going to read each prophecy starting with one and pause between each one. Just think about whether or not we’re following or violating each one and we’ll discuss them afterwards.”


  “Death Prophecy Number One; Confrontation must be avoided until it is absolutely unavoidable.” Lani nodded.

  “Number two; Never do what others can.” Steve looked at her and she nodded.

  “Number Three; The unknown enemy will kill you.”

  “Number Four; Never stop development. No technology is invincible.”

  “Number Five; Revealing less is more.”

  “Number Six; Always choose your best to lead.”

  “Number Seven, Only knowledge can save you.”

  “Number Eight; Never shy from doing the right thing.”

  “Number Nine; Survival is never free.”

  “And number Ten: “Only worry about things you can control.”

  Lani stared at the list and shook her head. Steve saw her and said, “You’re seeing it as well.”

  “We’re pretty much gone against most of them if we go forward with this plan.”

  Steve nodded, “Number five is being followed in having Earth shutdown all of its electronic and nuclear power but we
’re also putting all of our warships between Earth and the Traugh Empire. We’re also sending warships to threaten to go into the domain of the Andromeda Darkness. I feel fairly certain that civilization will see our ships and pretty quickly determine they didn’t come from the halo civilizations. When they show up kicking asses and taking names, they won’t find our ships there. They also won’t find millions of the Halo’s warships present either. That civilization makes our own Unknown Enemy look like kittens compared to tigers and we’ve violated number seven because we’re not really taken a look at the UE to see its level of weapon technology much less the Darkness in Andromeda. I keep expecting something to jump up and bite us for leading them to that dark star.”

  Lani nodded, “And that’s just number five. We’re really beating number one with a sledge hammer.” Steve looked at her with narrow eyes. “We don’t have to send our ships to Andromeda.”

  “She’s right, Admiral.”

  Steve looked up, “Why do you say that, Poul?”

  “We could do it all. We could tell them here that we have ships in their galaxy prepared to violate the Darkness’ space and go there and communicate back from there to prove it. We also know that they didn’t detect our ship when we looked at that planet in their forbidden space but they did detect my active scan. We could simply find one of those probes and scan it from inside the halo and move into their forbidden space before we shut it down. We won’t use that tactic unless there is absolutely no avoiding it, which is in keeping with the First Death Prophecy.”

  Steve nodded, “Revealing less is more is the mantra of this. Get the Senior Admirals on the channel and let’s discuss this.”

  • • •

  The discussion was short but loud. Admiral Malone finally let his frustration get the best of him, “Why are we building warships if we never use them! We could just as well just try to hide and save the effort!”

  Steve stared at Malone and said, “Why is avoiding confrontation number one?”

  “Why don’t you tell me?”

  “It’s number one because you never know what you might be up against. Let’s say we jump in this fight if some of their ships come this way and at the same moment, some of the Halo Ships invade the Unknown Enemy’s domain. Number Seven has not been followed because we have no real idea of the power of their ships. We do know they have a beam that will destroy a planet which is far beyond our current capability. Now their ships arrive in our corner of the galaxy and it will only take one of their ships to destroy Earth. Need I go further? And you can trust me on this, you don’t want that civilization in the core of Andromeda coming here. They’re so far ahead of us it won’t be a contest.”


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