Death Prophecies 3: The Unknown Enemy Will Kill You Read online

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  “It was inside the singularity where my crew died. It is possible that when the gravity units entered this universe they were reversed causing them to produce a massive weight on them. A push in your universe is a pull in the other. By reversing the units in the singularity, it might just work. They would reduce the gravity instead of increasing it.”

  Pam shook her head, “So you’re going to be traveling at who knows how many times the speed of light and you’re going to have to shut down the blasters as well as reverse the gravity units before you clear the singularity?”

  Dillon shrugged, “Something like that.”

  Steve looked up, “Is that possible, Poul?”

  “How would I know?”

  “You know everything. Take a guess.”

  “If Einstein was right about relativity, we should see things slow down as we approached the singularity.”

  “But relativity only works at sub-light speeds.”

  “Then go through at a sub-light speed.”

  “Did you?”

  “As a matter of fact, I didn’t. The stardrive was the first thing to go when I crossed the event horizon but I was still traveling at super light speed.”

  “What about coming back?”

  “The ship won’t be in that other universe’s space so it can go in at maximum speed as long as it can fire the blasters and reverse the gravity units when it hits the singularity. It could even be firing the beams before it enters and they’ll have no effect on the hull until it enters the singularity and crossed into our universe. You can set the gravity units to change when the blasters cover the hull.”

  “What will the beams be doing before they cross?”

  “Causing a massive explosion around the ship.”

  “Can the ship survive?”

  “It’s not in normal space over there. It should be fine.”

  Dillon’s eyes narrowed, “If that’s the case, shouldn’t the ship be fine if I just leave them on when I enter the other universe?”

  Connor shrugged, “You’re probably right, but if there are any warships on the other side, will they see the explosion as you enter their universe?”

  Dillon shrugged, “Light cannot escape the gravity of a black hole. They won’t see the beams.”

  Poul spoke up, “I do now think it was the gravity units that killed my crew. They crushed them and I thought it was due to the black hole.”

  Connor looked at Dillon, “You’ve obviously been thinking about this for a while. When did you start considering volunteering for this mission?

  Dillon shrugged, “Every pilot in the service knows that we were going to send a ship through the black hole sometime in the future. I decided to take a look at all that was known about making it happen.”

  “As soon as I learned Janell belonged to someone else.”

  Connor tilted his head, “Thank you for your honesty. At least some good might come out of that if this works.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  Connor looked at Pam, “I want his ship modified to have our fastest switches installed on the blasters and gravity units.”

  “It will delay the mission.”

  “So be it. Admiral McCagg can take some time off until the changes are done.” Connor looked at Dillon, “Is there somewhere you want to go while you’re waiting?”

  “Yes, Sir. If you’ll allow me to use a shuttle, I have a place that I’d like to go.”

  Pam smiled, “You can have mine. We’ll contact you when your ship is ready.”

  “Thank you, Sir.”

  Steve smiled, “You’re dismissed, Admiral. There are some things I need to discuss with Fleet Admiral Osborn.”

  “Yes, Sir. I’ll show myself out.”

  Pam yelled as he walked out, “My shuttle is the one on the pad next to the stairway.” Dillon nodded and left the bridge. Pam shook her head, “I can see why he is number one on the promotion list.”

  “I’m really tempted to send someone else but he is the best one to do this.”

  “I agree.”

  “Let’s talk about this promotion.” Pam rolled her eyes and looked at the ceiling.

  Chapter Two

  The shuttle pilot landed in the resort’s parking lot and Dillon stepped out of the port. “I’ll contact you when to come pick me up.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  Dillon threw his duffle bag over his shoulder and walked toward the front of the resort. He smiled at the white columns framing the entrance and walked through the front door. A bellman offered to take his bag but he waved him away. He arrived at the front desk and the young woman smiled, “It’s good to see you again, Mr. McCagg.”

  “I’ve missed being here.”

  “Your room is ready and here is the key to your rental transportation. Just leave it here when you check out.” She handed him a car and room key and he walked down the long hall to the room he always stayed in on his visits. He threw his bag on the bed and began unpacking. He finally put on his bathing suit and walked out of the room. He saw the canal as soon as he exited the hotel and smiled. He walked the eighty yards to the marina and heard as he entered the door, “Well, look who’s here! I thought you had crashed into an asteroid or star or something.”

  Dillon walked over to the counter and hugged the man that came out from behind it, “It’s good to see you, Scott. It’s been too long since the last visit.”

  “How long are you here?”

  “I’m not sure. Maybe a week or two.”

  “Michelle contacted me that you were arriving today so I went ahead and set up your boat. Are you ready to go?”

  “You have no idea.”

  Scott smiled and tossed him a key, “Tell Sally I said hello.”

  “I will if she hasn’t forgotten me.”

  “No way would that ever happen. Have a good time, Dillon.”

  Dillon walked out of the marina and jumped in the pontoon boat. He cranked the motor and slowly moved out into the canal and headed toward the gazebo on the point. He looked past it and saw the nuclear plant’s tall cooling towers rising above the tree line. He smiled, “One man’s poison is another’s punch.”

  • • •

  Janell left Fleet Personnel and was fuming. She had not gotten in to see Admiral Gomez and his receptionist told her to come back the day after tomorrow. She wanted to kick a wall but fought to control her emotions. Her wrist unit vibrated and she saw Rowdy’s face on the small display. She forced herself to relax and pressed the receive button, “Hey Honey, what ya doing?”

  “I’ve been at Fleet personnel. I’ve been removed from Dillon’s ship and I’m going to be reassigned.”


  “No one will tell me. I’m really ticked off about this.”

  “I’m sure they’ll find you a good ship.”

  Janell suddenly had an inspiration, “Hey, what about I transfer to your ship?”

  Janell saw something in Rowdy’s expression that she didn’t understand. “Uhhh, that would be a great idea. However, China would probably not want to leave.”

  “Where are you now?”

  “I’m at Fleet Support having my stores resupplied.”

  “I’m stuck here for two days. Why don’t you come by here and have something to eat with me before you leave?”

  “I’m going to wrap up here in two hours. I’ll land at Fleet Headquarters before I shove off.”

  Janell smiled, “Good, I’ve missed you.”

  “Me too, honey.” Janell stared at the wrist unit and wondered what Rowdy’s expression was all about. It was almost like he didn’t want her to be on his ship with him. She sat in the lobby and couldn’t stop thinking about it. When Rowdy called, she smiled and said, “Are you here?”

  “I am.”

  “I’m stuck in personnel filling out some forms. Meet me in the cafeteria. I shouldn’t be too long.”

  “On my way.”

  Janell waited for five minutes and then took the elevator down to the lobby. She walked
out and saw Rowdy’s ship parked a hundred yards to the left. She walked across the tarmac and went through the open port. She walked forward to the bridge and saw China sitting at her console. China was incredibly gorgeous. Her long black hair, her Polynesian features, her incredible complexion, and shape… She wondered why Rowdy had chosen her over China. “Good afternoon, is Captain Toland around?”

  China looked at her and shook her head, “No, he’s gone out to meet someone.”

  Janell looked around and smiled, “You must really like serving with him.”

  China looked at Janell and her expression spoke volumes, “What are you doing here?”

  “I’ve been asked by personnel to confirm his vacation schedule.”

  China shook her head, “Well, let me see. According to what I’ve heard, he’s taking a day off next week to visit a woman in Paris. Two days after that, he’s got a date with another Captain in London. I think he’s just going to make three quick stops to see the others the following week without taking time off.”

  Janell stared at China, “I thought he was engaged.”


  “I heard he was engaged.”

  “Who in the world would want to marry that pig?”

  “You’ve served with him for more than two years.”

  “How do you know that?”

  “It’s on the forms I was given.”

  “Oh. I’ve been collecting data to go to personnel to get reassigned. I’m tired of his advances and he won’t back off or give up.”

  Janell stared at her and said, “Why don’t you show me what you’ve collected and I’ll let you know if you have enough to make it happen.”

  “Would you!?” Janell nodded. China pressed several buttons on her console and a series of videos appeared and Janell had to sit down. Rowdy was shown making advances and lewd suggestions to China time and time again. There were also numerous videos of women meeting Rowdy and leaving the ship arm in arm with him. She noted that the four most recent events took place after they were engaged.

  Janell forced herself to be calm and said, “Why don’t you send me a copy of this and I’ll run it by a friend in personnel and let you know.”

  “Gladly. What’s your com code?” Janell held out her wrist unit and China copied it down. She pressed a button and Janell felt her wrist unit vibrate. “I’d appreciate any help you could give me!”

  “I really think you have enough but I’ll make certain.”

  “Thank you so much. I can’t wait to get away from this pig.”

  Janell nodded and walked off the ship.

  • • •

  Dillon woke up the next morning and saw it was going to be another glorious day. He walked down to the marina and looked up. The wind was calm and there were just a few high clouds. He arrived at the boat and saw Scott waiting, “Hi, what’s going on?”

  “What makes you think anything is going on?”

  “Oh, it might be the line of people at the counter. You should be there but instead you’re standing here looking like you’ve been caught stealing cookies.”

  “Dillon, I want you to do me a favor.”

  “What is that?”

  “I know you don’t take anyone out with you but…”

  “That’s right, Scott. This is my only private time and I jealously guard it.” Scott stared at him not moving and Dillon said, “But you already know that. What’s going on?”

  “A woman and her two sons have been going to the state park for about six months trying to get a close-up view of a manatee.”

  “Just have them sign up for the Swimming with the Manatee Tour.”

  “She can’t afford the ninety dollars each for her two sons.”

  “Why not?”

  “Her husband was killed during last year’s fleet maneuvers. There was an accident with the reactor on his ship and both of the crew were killed by radiation poisoning.”

  “She gets his death benefits.”

  “Dillon, you know the benefits of a lieutenant aren’t that great and she doesn’t work. She can’t afford the daycare for her two sons and she has a mortgage to pay.”

  “Why is she so bound to see a manatee?”

  “She’s not. Her two sons were brought here a few years ago and they saw one with their father. They’ve sort of locked on wanting to see one again.” Dillon stared at Scott and saw a car pull up in the parking lot. A woman with two young boys stepped out. Scott sighed, “I told Jimmy at the state park to send them here and I’d see what I could do.”

  Dillon saw the two boys were barely able to restrain themselves. They were pulling their mother toward the marina and she didn’t look nearly as excited as they were. Dillon sighed, “I’ll take them.”

  Scott smiled, “I owe you one.”

  “No, we owe their father.” Scott smiled and jogged over to the main building.

  A minute later, Scott led the three out of the back door and brought them over to Dillon, “Mrs. Hart, this is Dillon McCagg. He’s the one I told you about on the phone.”

  The woman looked at Dillon with the brightest green eyes he had ever seen, “So you’re the Manatee Man?”

  Dillon’s eyebrows went up and Scott quickly said, “That’s what we call you.”

  Dillon chuckled and smiled, “I understand you have some boys that want to see a manatee.”

  The youngest boy started bobbing up and down, “Can you get us close?” Can you?”

  Dillon went down to one knee in front of the young boy and said in a very serious voice, “I will do my best to make that happen; however, there are two rules you will have to promise to follow if you’re going out with me.”

  “What are they?”

  “Rule number one; never, ever, move toward a manatee that’s close to you.”

  “Then how will we get close?”

  “Rule number two; the manatee must come to you.”

  “What if they don’t come?”

  “Then perhaps you’ll be close enough to see one clearly. However, you will have to agree to these rules.”

  The older boy nodded, “Mr. McCagg, Timmy and I will do whatever you tell us to do.”

  “What is your name?”

  “John Hart.”

  Dillon stared into the boy’s serious eyes and nodded. He looked at Scott, “Bring three more snorkels.”

  “I won’t be getting in the water, Mr. McCagg.”

  Dillon looked at the woman and saw a hard expression. This woman was a no nonsense person. He hoped the manatees didn’t sense her presence. She almost made him call off the whole thing. But the boys were so excited and he owed it to their father. “Bring two.”

  Scott nodded and Dillon held out a hand and helped the three off the dock and into the boat. Scott ran back with two snorkels and Dillon backed the boat out. He slowly moved up the channel and Timmy was bouncing on his seat, “Why are we going so slowly? We’ll never get there.”

  Dillon smiled, “Timmy, too much excitement will scare them away. You need to calm down. This area is a manatee zone and only idle speed is allowed.”

  John looked at him, “Why?”

  “After manatees finish grazing under the water, they move to an area and go to sleep. However, manatees are mammals and they will occasionally rise to the surface to take a breath. They do this in their sleep. They can’t wake up fast enough to avoid fast moving boats and they are often severely injured or killed by the boat motor’s prop. They can react if the boat is moving slow.”

  The boy’s mother looked at him, “What kind of work do you do, Mr. McCagg?”

  Dillon looked at the woman, “I’m a pilot in the Navy.” Dillon thought the woman’s expression couldn’t get much meaner but he was wrong. She looked away shaking her head. Dillon blew out a breath and said, “John, come over here and sit by me.” John walked over and Dillon handed him a plastic coated map. Dillon put an X on it, “This is where we started. I want you to take this marker and see if you can trace the route we’re taking.
” Dillon drew a line on the map from the X to their current location. “Do you think you can do that?”

  John looked at the map and then looked ahead, “Is that the point ahead of us?” Dillon nodded. “I think I can do this.” Dillon smiled and turned the boat around the point.


  Dillon looked out to the left and smiled, “That’s the crystal river nuclear plant.” Timmy’s eyes were wide and Dillon smiled, “They added cooling towers because the plant was raising the temperature of the river.”

  “Is that bad?”

  “Not for manatees. They love it.”

  “Is that where we’re going?”

  “No. We can move a little faster now.” Dillon pushed the handle forward and the pontoon boat began making a very small wake.

  • • •

  Thirty minutes later, Dillon stopped the boat and slowly lowered the front and rear anchors in the water. Mrs. Hart stood up and looked around. They were anchored between two small islands and she shook her head, “I don’t see anything.”

  “The manatees are dark on their upper side. They can’t be seen unless you’re close.” Dillon showed the boys how to use the snorkels and he went off the back of the boat. Timmy climbed down and Dillon said, “Remember, you must be calm.” Timmy tried to speak but had to remove the snorkel’s mouthpiece, “Ok.”

  John climbed in and Dillon said, “Rule number one?”

  “Never move toward a manatee.”

  “Rule number two.”

  “The manatee must come to us.”

  “Good. Keep your face in the water and breathe normally.” Mrs. Hart watched them swim toward the small island on the right and shook her head. Manatee Man her left cheek! This guy was a loon.

  • • •

  They swam about eighty yards and Dillon grabbed the two boy’s arms and stopped them. He cupped his hand and slapped the surface of the water four times. Three seconds later, he slapped it three times. Two seconds later he hit twice, followed by one hit. The two boys stared at him as he repeated the process. Then Dillon saw Timmy tense up. He looked to the left and saw a shape rising off the bottom of the river. He put his hand on Timmy’s arm and smiled. Timmy looked at him and Dillon mouthed, “RELAX!” Timmy nodded and shook his head slightly. Dillon felt the tension go out of his arm as he held it. He looked at John and saw he was maintaining his composure.


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