Tommy’s Tale a-4 Read online

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  Tommy and Wes entered school without anyone noticing anything different about them. There just weren’t enough pictures of Tommy taken as he grew up since most of the Realm’s attention was directed toward his parents and Rose; that suited him just fine. Danielle kept him from public view for the eight months prior to them leaving which made it harder for him to be recognized. He and Wes cut their hair very short and that was the only disguise they needed. Truth be told, Tommy was glad to leave Castle Gardner and get out of Rose’s long shadow. The wealth, glamour, and attention that came with being in the royal family did not attract him at all. Leaving and joining normal everyday people in school was liberating for him.

  The first thing his parents discussed with him and Wes was the necessity of hiding Tommy’s psychic skills. He knew that if he used them, he would probably be reported to the government of earth and then the charade would be over. Tommy promised to never reveal his talents. At night he would use his mind to travel the Galaxies of the universe and most of the time he included Wes.

  Wes, like Tommy, was glad to leave Castle Gardner but for a different reason. He was pretty much a non-entity living there among such famous people. Now he had the chance to make his own place on his own merits. He also would have been bored to tears if Tommy had left him behind. Tommy and Wes entered a time of their life that both of them as adults would remember as their happiest moments.

  Chapter 2

  Tommy and Wes were in their fourth level when trouble reared its ugly head. They were both outstanding students and were ranked in the top of their class. Tommy before he left Castle Gardner had learned from an Algean Adolescent how to quickly scan a book mentally and store its contents in his mind. By the time he was four he had read every book in the library and had shared them with Wes. Wes had learned to use Tommy’s system for scanning and mentally storing huge numbers of books. Though he wasn’t near as fast, Tommy made it simple by just mentally transferring the information directly to Wes’s mind. School was not a problem for them; most of the material they had already learned. It was this that got them noticed. The school director announced on the school com that they had two of the highest scores ever made in their level on the final. Tommy and Wes both felt the exaggerated praise was overdone. Being smart made them a target.

  The problem started with the great reptile adventure. Tommy during recess one day found a rather large lizard on the playground sunning itself. He picked it up and stroked it under its chin and the lizard appeared to rather enjoy the experience. He decided to keep it and take it home after school; so he went to his class after recess with it safely held in his hands. Wes later asked Tommy what possessed him to lift Linda Kay Johns’ desk top and place the lizard inside. Tommy said he really didn’t know; it was just an impulse.

  As the rest of the class came in from recess, Linda Kay sat down, opened her desk, and leaned forward to get her notebook. Evidently the lizard decided to make a grand exit at just that moment and jumped out on to Linda Kay’s nose. Even the teacher was impressed with the volume of her scream. Linda Kay jumped up from her desk screaming, “Get this dinosaur off me,” and turned to run from the giant reptile attacking her. She ran smack into Wes who was coming in right behind her and both of them tumbled to the floor. Wes who had a small crush on Linda Kay since third level ended up on the floor with Linda Kay squirming on top of him. Tommy later told him that he thought Wes’ smile was going to split his face in half. Linda Kay for her part was struggling to remove the lizard from her hair and didn’t even notice Wes was under her.

  The lizard showed excellent judgment and jumped off Linda Kay directly onto the teacher’s leg to escape the screaming nine year old. The teacher then began dancing around the class trying to dislodge the lizard from climbing up her dress. Students were running everywhere and the room emptied faster than a bucket with no bottom leaving Tommy and Wes with Linda Kay still on top, and the teacher, who finally kicked the lizard off her leg, as the only ones remaining in class. Tommy walked over, picked up the lizard, and took it outside releasing it back into the wild of the playground. He could have sworn the lizard had a smile as it scampered away. Tommy returned to a silent classroom. Wes was sitting in his desk with a red face and that stupid grin and Linda Kay was staring blaster beams at him. The teacher asked Tommy to stay a few moments after school to discuss the event. Tommy asked Wes to wait for him outside and Wes agreed still sporting the huge smile. The teacher had a rather stern discussion with him about pulling jokes during school hours. He received a note to take home to his parents and he then left to meet Wes outside.

  As he exited the school he didn’t see Wes immediately but after walking around the corner of the building he saw his friend surrounded by four large boys. Two were holding Wes’ arms while the biggest was punching Wes in the chest with his index finger. Tommy walked up and heard the one doing the punching say, “You think you’re so smart. You’re nothing special. Let’s teach him a few things he doesn’t know.”

  Tommy leaned against the building behind the four older students and said, “Wes, do you want to handle this yourself or do you want some help?”

  The four boys turned around quickly startled by the new voice. Wes said, “No, I think I can handle this group; I do appreciate your offer, though.”

  The big boy looked at the one not holding Wes’ arms and said, “Here’s the other genius. Go grab him and don’t let him get away. We’ll handle him next.” The big boy then took a swing at Wes.

  The big boy walked toward Tommy smiling and said, “You’re going to get it now.”

  Tommy watched him approach and said, “Would you mind moving a little left, I can’t see your friends get their grumps beat.”

  With that the boy lunged to grab Tommy who saw everything turn into slow motion. Just like his father, Tommy’s psychic skills protected him during times of stress. The boy reached slowly for Tommy who stepped aside and walked by him to see what was going to happen to Wes. The big boy watched the smaller boy suddenly disappear from in front of him and appear behind him. He moved too fast for him to follow with his eyes. For the next few moments he attempted to grab Tommy but failed miserably. Meanwhile Wes saw the punch coming and he slammed his food down on one of the boy’s foot holding him who immediately released his arm. Wes ducked the incoming blow and slammed his fist from his freed arm into the stomach of the other boy holding his arm. The larger boy doubled over and Wes kneed him in the midsection dropping him to the ground. Wes then elbowed the boy that had released his arm in the mid section and then turned to face the biggest attacker in front of him. The boy who had been chasing Tommy saw his two friends on the ground and left Tommy to come up behind Wes and lift him off the ground. The big boy in front then connected with a fist to Wes’s chin. The two boys that had been knocked down by Wes slowly got up and moved in on the fight. Wes said, “I think that now would be a good time for you to join in,” as the big boy hit him in the chest.

  Tommy said, “I don’t want to spoil your fun, are you sure?”

  Wes grunted and said, “I don’t want to deprive you of all this fun, so pick a couple and enjoy yourself.’

  The older boys heard the back and forth and they didn’t know what to make of it until Tommy stepped up in front of the leader and hit him right between the eyes. His face glazed over and he dropped like a rock. Tommy then turned and hit the one holding Wes off the ground squarely on the chin. He hit the ground faster than the first one. The two remaining boys were left standing in front of Wes who they could tell had an expression that spelled danger.

  Tommy said, “Well, I’ve handled my two. Can I have these or do you want them yourself?”

  Wes said through gritted teeth, “Oh no, these are mine.” The two remaining boys didn’t even have time to run. Wes jumped and kicked one of them right under his chin and then spun slamming his elbow against the side of the head of the only one left standing.”

  Tommy looked at the boys scattered on the ground in front of them an
d said, “I’m glad you remembered not to break any bones. We can probably get away with this little incident but sending one of them to the hospital would draw entirely too much attention.”

  Wes looked at his best friend and said, “Why did you wait so long?” He rubbed his chin and said, “He hit like a girl but now I have this mark I have to explain.”

  Tommy smiled and said, “Colonel Ortiz would be disappointed if I prevented you from handling these four inexperienced lads. He’ll insist that he taught you better.”

  Wes smiled back and said, “Are you crazy?” He pointed at the biggest one and said, “This one is almost as big as that lizard you brought in today.”

  They both started laughing and then went over and started helping the four failed attackers get up. Wes looked at Tommy and said, “How do we explain this?”

  “The ole naval marine uncle,” Tommy replied.

  The four boys sat up groggily and Tommy sat down in front of them. When they had their senses Tommy looked the biggest one in the eye and said, “I bet you four are wondering how two little geniuses like us did this.” The big boy nodded and Tommy said, “My father’s older brother is a retired naval marine from the Ross conflict and he has taught us martial arts since we’ve been able to walk. One of the things he impressed on us was that we should never use what he taught us to be aggressive toward others. We promised to only use our training in self-defense.” Tommy slid closer and looked the big boy in the eyes just inches from his face, “I suspect that we are not the first smaller students you have chosen to pick on.” The big boy’s expression gave him away. “We are not going to say anything to anyone about this and I suspect that if you tell your buddies that you were beat up by two fourth levels, well, your reputation might suffer.” Tommy reached forward and grabbed the shirt of the leader and said, “However, if you attack any other students then my brother and I will visit you again. Defend yourself if needed, but we do not like bullies. Nod if you understand.” All four boys started nodding.

  “Good,” Wes said. Let us depart company as friends,” and he held out his hand to one of the boys who shook it. Tommy held out his hand and shook hands with the four boys and then he and Wes left to go home.

  “Do you think they’ll make an issue of this?” Wes asked.

  “Would you?” Tommy responded.

  “Well, I hope not. By the way, I want to thank you for that lizard. I almost had Linda Kay kiss me from saving her from that Tyrannosaurus you used to booby trap her desk.”

  “Don’t mention it, but it got me a note sent home to Mom and Dad.”

  Are you going to tell them about what happened after school?”

  Tommy thought for a moment and said, “They know. As soon as I felt danger, Dad sensed it and watched it through my eyes.” Wes looked at Tommy with raised eyebrows and Tommy said, “We’ll probably get a pass on the fight but I’m afraid the reptile adventure is going to get me grounded.”

  Tommy finished dressing and looked at himself in the mirror. He knew that he had inherited his mother’s good looks and his father’s body. The tight fitting uniform accented his athletic body and Tommy thought that even the rose color clothes accented by the royal blue sash actually looked good on him. “Atlas, I’m going to take the speeder down to the planet if you don’t mind.”

  Atlas said, “I can take you directly if you want.”

  “No, I want to take my time and enjoy the trip.”

  “It’s waiting on you. Try to enjoy yourself.” Atlas extended a corridor out to the one man ship that had just emerged from Atlas’ hull. Tommy enjoyed using the speeder because it was invisible to detection and was faster than any ship in the fleet. Well, The Alexander Kosiev was faster but it was currently residing in the core of a star so it didn’t count. Tommy boarded and started his trip down to the surface of Ross.

  Tommy missed Ross and he looked forward to seeing old friends. Then he thought about all the friends he made on earth during school and then remembered when he was forced, once again, to leave his home.

  Fourteen year old Tommy and Wes were sitting in the recreation center several miles from their home. Linda Kay had left fifteen minutes before when her parents came to take her home and Wes had that stupid grin on his face. Tommy looked at his best friend and chuckled to himself. After the great reptile adventure, Linda Kay started noticing Wes. It wasn’t long before Wes was walking her to the floater that took her home each day, sharing lunch time with her, and they started looking at each other as very special friends. Tommy said, “That grin might injure your jaws if you keep it up.”

  Wes poked him on the arm and said, “You’re just jealous.” Wes looked at his friend for a moment and said, “Tommy, if I remember correctly, Rose knew who her husband was going to be when she was very young. Do you know?”

  Tommy sighed and looked off in the distance at the crystal spires in the central part of the city and said, “She was four when she told my parents and I must admit that Michael has turned out to be a wonderful addition to our family. He is strong psychically and is a great match for Rose.” Tommy then turned and looked directly at Wes and said, “I have not seen or sensed anyone that will fill that role for me.”

  “Some of the girls in class think you’re dreamy. They don’t interest you?”

  “Not really. I enjoy being around them but it doesn’t touch me where it counts. It may be that there is not a match for me.” There was a moment of silence and Tommy sighed and said, “I have many of years ahead of me before it becomes a problem.”

  Wes looked at Tommy and said, “I’m going to miss Linda Kay. I wish they had not started taking gifted students into the academy so early. I really don’t want to leave her next year.”

  Tommy shook his head and said, “If the first three classes of young cadets had not done so well, then we would be ok to stay. Unfortunately, they’ve excelled. Most of them are being placed in Graduate studies so that they are far ahead of regular students. Besides, Linda Kay will be joining you at the academy the following year. You should have played dumb and not skipped a grade last year.”

  Tommy thought Wes would laugh at the remark but he gave a heavy sigh instead and said, “I didn’t want to be separated from you. I’ve got to say, I almost wish I had played dumb; I’m going to miss that girl. By the way, why are we having a meeting in the School Director’s office in the morning?”

  Tommy shrugged and said, “I don’t know; do you think I’m psychic or something?”

  Wes laughed out loud and walked out to the floater that Danielle had just landed in front of the center. Life was good.

  At least it was good until the following morning; when Tommy and Wes entered the School Director’s office and were greeted by a Captain from the Fleet Academy along with one of the boys that they had fought five years earlier. Wes said under his breath, “Oh, crap!”

  Tommy thought to him, “I hate it when you say that. It always means trouble.”

  The Captain looked at the two boys and said, “Good morning, my name is Captain Lowery and I’m certain you remember Cadet first class Edward Jones.”

  Tommy furrowed his brow and said, “Nooooo. He’s not familiar to me.”

  Wes chimed in, “I don’t know him either.”

  Captain Lowery looked at the two young boys and said, “Ed why don’t you tell them why you’re here.”

  Edward looked at Tommy and Wes and then stood and walked over and shook their hands. Tommy and Wes were confused and Tommy was not willing to violate the privacy of the captain and cadet by looking in their minds to find out what was going on. He had learned early in life that to do that was totally unethical. Edward said, “Five years ago three of my friends and I attacked you in front of the school. This wasn’t something that happened rarely; we did it a lot. You kicked the crap out of us and then you shook our hands and cautioned us not to do it again. After I went home, I thought about what you had done and what you said and I determined that I was going nowhere with my life. Those boy
s weren’t real friends; they were just bullies with a lot of issues. I decided to do something with my life. I worked hard in school and I was in the first class of accelerated students that entered the academy three years ago. This year I have been selected to be Cadet Commander. In my acceptance speech I told my class mates about the two nine year olds that taught four twelve year old bullies some comeuppance. When I told them that you moved too fast for me to actually see, the Captain decided to bring me here to meet you. I just want to thank you for the lesson you taught me.”

  Tommy said, “Don’t mention it.” Then after a pause he said, “Please.”

  Wes started snickering, looked at Tommy, and said, “Well, a fine mess you’ve got us into now.”

  Captain Lowery said, “Smile while you can but I have a squad of Naval Marines here and we’re placing you under arrest.”

  Tommy sat down and said, “Did you call anyone before you came here to get approval for your actions, Captain?”

  Captain Lowery said, “No, I have the authority to make an arrest.”

  Wes said, “and we are being arrested for…?”

  Captain Lowery said, “We’ll determine that after we examine you.”

  A large group of students had gathered outside the office to see what was going on. They had never seen this many armed Naval Marines at their school. Linda Kay was outside crying because she knew Wes was inside.

  Tommy sighed and said, “Captain, are you sure you want to do this. You don’t know the bag of goomba you’re about to open.”

  Lowery looked at Tommy and said, “Just who are you to talk to me that way?”


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