Survival is Never Free (The Death Prophecies Book 5) Read online

Page 21

“We had that discussion. What you did was dishonorable and being right never trumps honor.”

  “I’m sorry, Steve. I really am and I know its way past the point to ask for forgiveness. I guess I can assume your colonies will survive this invasion.” Levi’s question was greeted with silence and he thought, “I have some things to do right now. I do hope your species survives this.”

  Levi turned back to his panel and began shouting orders at his support staff. They settled down and began sending warships to pick up the most critical civilians on hundreds of planets to escape the coming enemy.

  • • •

  Steve sat on the Prophet’s Eyes and watched the Builders’ War Fleet arrive and blast every gravity tower into massive explosions that were pulled into the black hole they surrounded. The Builders then systematically moved into the Darkness Civilization and surrounded the inhabited planets. The Builder Leader came in behind his fleets and arrived above the main governing planet of the Darkness. He stared at the hologram of the planet below him and smiled, “Are you capable of translating their language.”

  The World’s Main Computer answered, “I am.”

  “Find the leader of this civilization and connect me with him.”

  “I have his location plotted and you will broadcast on the frequency he is using.”

  The Builder Leader smiled and said, “I’ve been planning to destroy you for the attack on my galaxy years ago. I’m really looking forward to seeing you die.”

  Levi heard the voice and said, “I understand.”

  The Builder Leader looked at the data streaming into his mind link and something wasn’t right. “Where have you hidden the warships that entered my galaxy?”

  “My warships were not the ones that attacked your galaxy.”

  “Don’t try to lie to me!”

  • • •

  Kamela looked at Steve, “Levi knows about our colonies. He doesn’t know where they are but he knows about their existence.” Steve groaned and dropped his head in his hands. He didn’t think this through. He made a stupid mistake coming here to gloat.

  • • •

  “I have no need to lie to you. Your scanners are capable of seeing everything in my galaxy. Those warships came from the other spiral galaxy and asked if they could go through the black hole to see if there was an enemy on the other side. Long before they arrived, one of your warships came through the Black Hole and did massive damage to my fleets. We allowed them to go through because we feared for our safety after what just one of your warships did to us.”

  “Where is that species that attacked us?”

  • • •

  Steve closed his eyes and waited for Levi to answer.

  • • •

  “What would you do if an advanced species came to your galaxy and went through your black hole?” Levi asked the Builder Leader.

  “I’d never allow them to do it!”

  “We were afraid of what was on the other side and we allowed our fear to get the best of our judgement. They went through and attacked your galaxy. Once they came back through and returned to their galaxy, we tried to close our black hole to keep us safe.”

  “You also closed the hole in that other galaxy as well.”

  “That species resisted our doing that and we destroyed them. We burned all of their warships and reduced their home world to rubble. None of them remain. Wouldn’t you have done the same?”

  The Builder Leader pulled up the recordings of the attack that took place twenty years earlier and this being appeared to be telling the truth. None of the ships that came through his black hole looked anything like the warships this civilization used. He thought about it for a moment and said, “I like the way you think. We use other civilizations for our purposes and I’m going to offer you an opportunity that I would suggest you consider carefully.”

  Levi looked at the Builder Leader on his monitor and said, “What is that?”

  “Your civilization will provide planets where we can construct the facilities to build our weapons and the materials to make it happen. You will also use your military forces to keep other civilizations from bothering us. You will also provide us with any agricultural products that we might need.” Levi was silent and the Builder Leader smiled, “Of course we can select another civilization to do this for us but you appear to know how to handle this galaxy and I prefer to use you. I will, of course, send some of my vessels to that other galaxy and if there are ships there like the ones that invaded my galaxy, I will exterminate your civilization for your deception.”

  “I have no option but to accept your proposal. Send your vessels, you’ll see I’m not deceiving you. That species has been destroyed.”

  “You will ground your warships and call back the ones that are fleeing with your civilians. Failure to bring them back will lead to your destruction.”

  Levi looked over his shoulder and nodded. One of his advisors began sending the orders. “I will do as you order.”

  “I’ll contact you again once we investigate that other galaxy.”

  “I’ll be waiting for you instructions.”

  • • •

  Steve opened his eyes, “Will the Builders hear a telepathic message?” Kamela shook her head.

  • • •

  Levi sat at his console and heard in his mind, “You have proven your apology was genuine and have redeemed yourself in my eyes. You could have told them about our colonies but you didn’t. I can’t prevent them from putting your civilization in bondage but I give you my word that one day, we will come back and free your people.”

  Levi felt his emotions almost get the better of him as he said, “I will joyously await that day. Goodbye, my old friend.”

  Steve closed his eyes, “Goodbye, Levi.”

  • • •

  The Prophet’s Eyes remained at the Darkness World and allowed Erica to run passive scans of the Builder’s Forces as they removed all resistance. Kamela looked at Steve and said, “I was against your coming here but it was your presence that stopped him from betraying you again. He has been suffering for a very long time for that decision.”

  “I told all my Officers that he could be trusted and he betrayed me. I took it personally and I came here to rejoice in his civilization’s destruction. But now I see…I was wrong.”

  “Your coming here was to heal old wounds for both of you.”

  Steve nodded as he stared at the floor. After a moment he said, “He never attacked us when good strategy would have been to remove us as a possible adversary.” Steve took a deep breath and sat up straight in his chair, “Commodore Goldwin, what have you been able to determine about the various Builder Platforms?”

  “Our John Hart Warships as well as our Attack Fighters can handle them as long as they don’t allow themselves to be ganged up on. The Hawk Fighters will have some problems with them.”

  Essay looked at his father, “It appears the Hawks are outdated before we were really able use them.”

  “That depends on whether or not the dark energy reactors can hide them from detection.” Steve looked at Erica, “Isn’t that right?”

  Erica shrugged, “I suppose so. The range of the Builder Warship’s blasters are much longer than the Hawks. If the Hawks can get in close, they can puncture the Builder’s force fields.”

  Essay’s eyes narrowed, “I would think that the Hawks would be better used as a defense weapon at our Colonies. They could hit an incoming enemy before they would be detected. However, in a massive dogfight, their chance of getting in close would be greatly reduced. I think converting the Hart Battleships to carrying the Attack Fighters would be a better idea.”

  Steve smiled, “I guess I’m trying to defend my choices in building the Hawks. You’re right about the Attack Fighters being a better tool for the Harts.” Steve turned to Erica, “What about those defense globes?”

  “It’s going to take the Hart’s major beams to penetrate those and they will have to make it through a massive barrage
of major blaster beams to get in close enough to hit them.”

  “And the Builder’s Worlds?”

  Erica looked at Steve and tilted her head down, “That will require a mass attack by at least ten Hart Battleships.”

  “How many attack Fighters?”

  “At least a hundred.”

  “Admiral, is there any way to put a Major Beam on the Fighters?”

  Steve turned to Kamela, “They would have to give up some of the side blasters to make that happen. That’s why we didn’t do it initially.”

  Essay smiled, “If I remember correctly, aircraft in the ancient World Wars on Earth only fired from their noses. They used a wingman to keep attackers off their sides. And if an Attack Fighter is moving at maximum speed, hitting them from the side would be next to impossible.”

  Steve shook his head, “Not if they’re caught in a crossfire from those Worlds or defense globes.”

  Erica smiled, “We know how to handle crossfires, Sir.”

  “How is that?”

  “You don’t allow yourself to get caught in one.”

  Steve lowered his eyes, “Easier said than done. If three of those giant globes for an equilateral triangle formation, they have themselves covered above, below, and from the sides. Getting close to them without being in a crossfire is not an option.” The bridge was silent and Steve looked at the three who were staring at him. “It isn’t!!”

  Essay sighed, “Dad, I never like disagreeing with you. I learned at an early age it just wasn’t worth it, but since Erica and Kamela are not going to say anything, I feel I must. The points of a triangle do not pose a crossfire. If the ship on each point is attacked on a line where the other two ships are blocked, that formation can be attacked.”

  Steve stared at Essay and said, “The ships behind the one being attacked can fire past the points.”

  Essay looked up, “Poul, show what we’re discussing on the main monitor.” Steve watched a triangle formation of three Builder Defense Globes appear on the wall monitor. “Poul, have the two Globes on the right fire beams past the bow of the third Globe.”

  Steve watched the beams slowly move past the bow of the third Globe and they intersected far beyond the bow of the third ship. “Show me that again, Poul.” The beams began moving out and Steve said, “Stop it right there!” The beams stopped and Steve looked up, “You have the beams at least a mile away from the bow of the ship.”

  “You’re not factoring in distance of the force field from the hull of the Globe, Sir. If it goes through the force field it will burn the hull.”

  “Put the force field in place.” Steve saw a blue line surround the three globes and he started shaking his head, “It appears I’m wrong. There really is a large space directly in front of those Globes were they couldn’t make a crossfire.” He looked at Essay, “What about a box formation?”

  “Double the points to attack and more blockages of the beams.”

  “Son, how do you know this?”

  Essay smiled, “I had a great teacher when I was young and watching our ships during their maneuvers and against the Azura Motherships confirmed what I’ve seen.”

  Steve smiled, “Well, this is purely an exercise in what ifs. We are outnumbered beyond any point of being able to take either of those civilizations head on.”

  Kamela smiled, “But you’ve bought time to prepare. The Builders will solidify their hold on Andromeda and the Azura will have to fight to take the Carand Galaxy. In the meantime, I expect that giant ship to be really bothered that they can’t locate us. They won’t do anything until they find your fleets and the other two will be too busy to concern themselves with us. Besides, we are an Unknown Enemy to the Azura and Builders and I think we just gained that status with the War Galaxy.”

  Steve stared at Kamela and then looked up, “Poul, take us to the Milky Way. I want to see what the Builder Warships do there.” Steve turned to Kamela, “If you can find the vessel with the Commander on board, we should follow him around. I suspect all their communications will funnel through him.”

  “Actually, it’s a she. I’ve heard the Builder issue orders and if Poul will catch up with the Builder’s Ships that left for the Milky Way, I should be able to find her quickly.”

  “On my way.” The monitor flashed and the giant black hole that dominated the previous view was immediately changed to thousands of Builder Warships moving at maximum speed in open space between the two spiral galaxies.

  Kamela smiled, “Poul, have I ever told you I think you are amazing?”

  “No, but I get that a lot.”

  Essay and Erica burst out laughing and Poul said, “Hey, I do. As a matter of fact, the two of you have said it multiple times. Do you want to see the recordings?” Essay laughed harder and Erica put her hand over her mouth and tried to get control. Steve looked up, “They just don’t understand taking pride in your work.”

  “You think!!”

  Erica lost it again. Kamela looked up and pretended to see a spot on the ceiling.

  • • •

  They followed the Builder Commander around for a week and finally hear her say, “We’ve seen enough.”

  “But Leader, we’ve only covered half of the galaxy.”

  “We’ve seen enough to know that none of the planets we’ve investigated had any warship close to the design of the one that attacked our galaxy and I believe that if they were here, they would have already attacked us. I have seen enough destroyed planets to know that this galaxy is a very violent place with violent civilizations scattered around it. The one we’re in currently is a much better place for us to settle in. I’ve seen nothing here that would be a threat to us. Head back to the other galaxy now.”

  The thousands of flashing blue warships turned and accelerated toward the edge of the Milky Way and entered intergalactic space within an hour. Steve watched them leave and looked at Essay, “Take us back to the Ghost Colony.”

  Kamela turned to Admiral Connor, “We need to get you back quickly.”


  “The Builders are going to have to go back to their galaxy to gather stores for their vessels until they undergo the change. When they do that, they will see the Azura Motherships we destroyed. I’m really curious what they’re going to do with that information.”

  Steve’s eyes opened wide and he said, “Drop me off and get back to Andromeda.”

  Essay looked at his panel and said, “We disintegrated all the ships that were damaged beyond repair. There won’t be any evidence that we were there.”

  Steve turned to him, “Which will confound them and may cause them to go to the black hole where the Ritual Galaxy is located. That could precipitate a war between the Builders and that galaxy.” Essay nodded and said, “Poul get us moving!”

  “Yes, Sir.” The Prophet’s Eyes turned and accelerated away.

  • • •

  Levi saw one of the Builder Warships start moving toward a planet and he quickly pressed a button to connect to the Builder Leader’s frequency, “”WHAT DO YOU WANT?!”

  “I was wondering if you’re aware that your ships are made of what we call anti-matter in this universe.”


  “This universe is made of atoms containing a positive nucleus and negative electrons circling it. In examining your ships, they are made with the opposite structure.” The Builder Leader’s eyes went wide and Levi said, “The reason I interrupted you is that one of your warships appears to be approaching a planet and if it enters that planet’s atmosphere, we will witness one of the largest explosions ever seen in this part of the universe.”

  The Builder Leader’s eyes went even wider and he immediately summoned a hologram from the main computer and saw the vessel approaching one of the Darkness Planets. He ordered it away and demanded a scan of the structure of his vessels compared to the structure of matter in this new universe. The findings didn’t please him at all. He turned to Levi who watched the Builder use a computer in an utterly f
ascinating way, “This appears to pose a problem.”

  “What is that?”

  “How are we going to collect food for my vessels?”

  “Actually, it’s not a bad as you think.”


  “You’re right here next to the black hole that will take you back to the galaxy you originated in. Now that the towers are no longer pouring dust into the black hole, you can easily pass through and collect the food you would normally get.” The Builder stared at the new Tool Leader and then started laughing prompting Levi to ask, “Did I say something humorous?”

  “No, it’s just ironic that the Black Ships that chased us out of our galaxy are now close to a billion light years from our previous home and we can go back in behind them and they’ll never know it.”

  “If you make multiple trips through a black hole, the structure of your vessels and crews will undergo a change.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “All the atoms will change to a neutral charge and you’ll slowly disappear. You’ll become invisible.”

  The Builder stared at Levi in doubt and said, “Your warships aren’t invisible.”

  “No, your scanners allow you to see them. But have you taken a look at one through a viewport?”

  “Wait a moment.” He pulled up an image of a Grounded Darkness Warship on the planet below and moved the World around the planet until it was directly above it. He ordered the computer to perform a visual scan of the large warship and nothing appeared on the monitor. This was something he had never anticipated. Was he trapped in this universe or would he be forced to undergo this change?

  Levi watched his monitor and saw the small Builder Leader and thought that it would be comical if this small creature didn’t possess so much military power. Less than three feet tall and it believed it could control the universe; what a dichotomy. The Leader would soon discover that he had no option about undergoing the change, he couldn’t land on a planet or come into contact with anything in this universe without causing a massive explosion. That left him no option but to go back through the black hole and then the change would happen. Oh well, he would have to figure it out like every other civilization that tried to control the untamed monster of a black hole, there were consequences to making the effort.


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