The Lost Prince Read online

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  The Officer looked at the Prince and said, “You didn’t have to come here to tell me the rebellion is over. I would have found out in three days when the Obelisks activated on the Nebula planets that we were done. You have another reason for coming here.”

  The Prince looked at the Officer and slowly shook his head, “I originally planned to come here and kill you.” The Officer’s expression didn’t change. “You killed a young woman that helped me.”

  “That was necessary.”


  “To ensure no one else would. If I had taken no action, the population would not see any reason not to help you.”

  The Prince stared at the Officer and said, “You were going to die but my companion here found some information that forced me to reconsider.” The Officer’s expression still remained neutral.

  The young woman said, “I did a search of Euclid’s records.” The Officer turned and looked at her. “I wanted to know how many high level Genetics have disappeared.” The Officer’s eyes narrowed ever so slightly. “There were only two; I was one and an eighteen month old baby boy was the other. The Baby’s father had taken him to visit friends on York and they were never seen again.”

  “What are you suggesting? I’ve been developed by the Nebula Geneticists.”

  The Prince slowly shook his head, “You’re not really thinking this through.” The Officer turned his head to the Prince. “Euclid has been genetically altering humans for more than five hundred years to arrive at the current Genetics. Are you suggesting the Nebula could duplicate that in just a hundred years without any of the high level scientists you find on Euclid? Is there any other Genetic in the Nebula that comes remotely close to your level?”

  The Officer’s facial expression didn’t change, but his mind was running through various possibilities at an incredible rate. The direction of that study was going in a direction that was threatening to overwhelm him. The Prince stood and he stopped his mind. He looked at the Prince who said, “The aliens that destroyed that planet are still out there. You need to think about that and all of the ramifications of what that means.”

  The woman had stood with the Prince, “There’s one more thing you should know.” The Officer looked at her. “When you didn’t return to Euclid, your mother confronted the King and held him responsible for not protecting the second in the Monarchy Succession. She swore she would never forgive him and she left to live on York, which was the destination of her husband. She was eight months pregnant and her anguish, sorrow, and stress damaged the mind of her baby. The young man you found on York is your brother and the nurse taking care of him is your mother.”

  The Officer stood up and screamed, “YOU’RE LIEING!”

  The Prince looked at him and the Officer saw his expression; he snarled, “I don’t need your pity!”

  “You can prove if what I’m saying is a lie. A simple DNA test will show who’s right.”

  The young woman looked at him and slowly shook her head, “The Nebula took the best of us and twisted it into what you are today. You were in line to be the King. Look at what they’ve made you into.”

  The two walked out of the restaurant and his mind screamed at him to order the troops back to kill them. The scream in his head grew louder but he couldn’t move. Suddenly the millions of possibilities running in the back of his mind concluded and the scream vanished. He sat down and focused his mind on the nurse in the hospital room. He had the same color eyes. Her nose and chin was very much like his. He remembered the young man sitting in the chair staring out into space and… saw his own face. He put his head in his hands felt the shock of the sudden revelation rush through his consciousness and for the first time in his life, he cried. He felt his mind working on what he just learned but all he could do was weep for what had been done to him. After an hour his weeping stopped and he raised his head. His normal expressionless face showed an emotion. Rage was close to taking him but he gathered himself and pressed his communicator. The Dictator appeared and said, “Have you killed him?”

  The Officer’s face was expressionless, “I will in a very short time but I fear I’ve uncovered a plot to kill you.”


  “I don’t know who it is but someone in the court is plotting to take your life. I’ve intercepted a message that was sent to Euclid.”


  “I wasn’t able to get a name. I need to come and look at all of those that have access to you. I’ll be able to find them, but I need to do it quickly. You should avoid any appearances until I can find out who it is.”

  “Come here now.”

  “Do not allow any weapons in the main hall. That includes the guards. I’ll stand at the rear of the court and mentally scan everyone that enters.”

  “Will you have a weapon?”

  “Absolutely not! Once I determine who the assassin is, I’ll leave and send in your personal bodyguard to remove them.”

  The Dictator knew the mental power of the Officer but also knew that from the rear of the court, his mind power wouldn’t represent a danger. If he moved forward, he’d just exit the court through the door behind the throne. “Get here quickly.”

  “I’ll be leaving momentarily.” The contact ended and the Officer held out his arm and the blaster appeared. He looked across the pond and fired at a small tree more than a mile away and watched it explode into flame. He opened his hand, watched the blaster disappear, and called for his ship.

  • • •

  E said, “What happens now?”

  “We’ll wait for a couple of days.”

  Violet looked at Ian, “You’re expecting something.”

  Ian sighed and said, “Put yourself in that man’s place. What if you just learned what we told him? What would you do?”

  E said, “He doesn’t have much of a chance of surviving the effort.”

  “Don’t sell him short, E. He’s one of the highest rated Genetics Euclid ever produced.”

  Violet shook her head, “The larger the intellect, the greater the monster.”

  “There is a difference in his case.”


  “He will go and see his mother if he survives. He has never known love; she can heal him.”

  “I’m not so sure about that, Ian.”

  Ian smiled, “You need look no further than us.”

  Violet looked at him and smiled.

  Chapter Eight

  The Dictator sat on his throne with a blaster next to him. He watched the people entering the court and watched the tall dark Officer look at each person as they entered. Finally the room was full and the tall Officer nodded to the Dictator, went to the door, and looked outside. He stepped back in and bolted the door. Suddenly he turned and the Dictator saw a blaster appear in his hand. He reached for his blaster just as a small, intense, white beam blew through his forehead and out the back of the throne. The entire hall was stunned and the screams instantly stopped as the Officer walked forward through the silence of the room and ignored the people sitting on each side of the aisle. He arrived at the throne, grabbed the Dictator, lifted him with one hand off the floor, and stared into his dead eyes. He threw the body to the side and sat down on the throne, put his hand with the blaster on the arm of the throne, and looked out at the assembly.

  “Would anyone here like to leave?” A General Officer stood in the back of the room and was shot in the head and fell into the crowd that screamed around him. The room grew silent and the Officer said, “Is there anyone else that would like to leave?” No one moved. The Officer pressed the gold circle and heard, “We have them under control.”

  “Go to Headquarters and round up the General Staff and bring them here.” The Officer stared at the assembled Nebula Nobility and no one made a sound. The General Officers were marched in at blaster point and assembled at the front of the court. They all knew they were about to be executed. The Officer looked at the Fleet Admiral. “It appears there is a vacancy on the throne. Is th
ere anyone you would like to recommend to fill it?”

  The Fleet Admiral stared at the tall imposing man and said, “I believe you would be the best choice.”

  The Officer looked out at the gathered Nobles and said, “Does anyone wish to nominate another?” No one made a move or made a sound. “How many of you support the Admiral’s choice?” Everyone in the room raised their hands. The Officer looked at the General Officers and said, “It appears the vote is unanimous. Will you swear to support the new chosen leader?”

  They all nodded so hard they nearly pulled muscles in their necks. The officer looked at the gathering and then said to the Admiral, “The following will be done immediately. All of our military and naval forces will be recalled. The Fleet at Euclid will leave immediately.” The Dark Officer looked at the Admiral and raised the blaster to scratch his chin. The Admiral punched his communicator and issued the orders.

  The Officer stared at the Nobility and said, “I will be bowing to the new King on Euclid shortly. We will rejoin the Union and abide by their conventions. Are there any objections?” The gathered Nobles were stunned at the statement. Most of them were against the rebellion but didn’t dare challenge the Dictator. The Military was also surprised. Most of them felt the rebellion was doomed to failure, but there was no stopping the Dictator. No one voiced an objection.

  The Dark Officer looked out at the room and announced, “One year from today the Empire will vote on who the new ruler will be. Every citizen will be allowed to vote and everyone here will support the one chosen by the citizens. The election will have inspectors from Euclid to insure it is conducted fairly. If any of you choose to run for the position, you have a year to convince the rest of the Empire to vote for you. Until that election, I will make sure order is maintained and that all of our planets are treated equally. Are there any questions?”

  No one made a move and the Officer said, “Killing is over. You may speak your minds without fear of reprisal.”

  A high Noble raised his hand slowly and the Officer said, “What is your question?”

  “Why are you doing this? You have total power.”

  The Officer stood up from the throne and walked over to the Dictator’s dead body. His facial expression was neutral, but he fired another blaster bolt into it. He looked at the gathering and said, “I tried to think of what I could do to this pig that would be enough punishment for his actions. Just killing him is not enough. He will look up from hell and see the people of the Empire empowered to choose their leader and he’ll scream at his lost legacy.”

  The ranking Noble said, “But why are we going to support the Union?”

  The Officer looked at the Noble, walked back to the throne, sat down, then said, “An alien species has been discovered beyond the borders of the Union.” The intake of breath was instant. “A planet was discovered that was completely destroyed with no survivors. They haven’t found us yet, but it’s just a matter of time until they do. We know from the evidence that the aliens are not a peaceful civilization. Our best chance of survival is to join the other planets in the Union and prepare for their arrival.”

  The Nobles looked at each other and one said, “This could be a Union ploy. Do you have proof they exist?”

  The Officer stood and pointed the blaster out in front of him. The huge gathering pushed back in their seats hoping they weren’t going to be shot. The Officer opened his hand and the blaster disappeared. The entire room was struck silent. The officer looked out at the crowd, held his hand out, and the blaster reappeared. “This is one of the Alien’s weapons that were discovered.” The Officer looked at the high Noble, “Do you need more evidence?”

  The Noble shook his head.

  “Our efforts will be to support Euclid in developing the defenses we’ll need to survive. We will offer our ships to defend the Union. Do any of you see another way to do this?”

  The Highest Noble said, “It is my belief that you are the only one strong enough to lead us.”

  “Then you should tell your citizens that piece of information. However, they will make the final decision who will lead. You may leave in peace and the Nebula forces will ensure that all of our citizens are treated with respect.”

  The huge crowd stood and the highest ranking Noble stared at the tall officer and began clapping. The crowd started joining him and soon the entire room was cheering. The Officer looked out at them and knew the hardest tasks were ahead. But first, he had to make a trip. “Admiral.”

  “Yes, Sire.”

  “Will you make sure there is a smooth transition? I’m leaving you in charge until I return.”

  The Admiral smiled, “I will.”

  The Officer smiled, “Thank you.”

  The Admiral began to feel something that had been missing for many years, hope.

  • • •

  The nurse sat in the room with her son and felt the never ending sorrow that always threatened to take her. She looked at him and adjusted his feeding tube. The door slowly opened and she saw the tall Nebula Officer that had charged in several months earlier. He walked over to her son and sent his mind into the young man’s brain. He watched the pattern swirl and said, “His mind is unwilling to organize.”

  “How do you know that?”

  The Officer looked at the woman and said, “I think your sorrow is what keeps him in this state. The baby refuses to enter a world with so much horror.”

  “Who are you to say such a thing? I love my son.”

  “But do you love yourself?”

  She stared at the Nebula Officer and saw he was sincere. She lowered her head and said, “He asked me to go with him and I refused. I had too much to do around the house and I really didn’t like his friends on York. I should have been with him. I might have made a difference. He might not have died with my son.”

  The Officer saw her tears, “What was your son’s name.”

  “Britain Andrey Montgomery.”

  “That’s a Royal name isn’t it?”

  “It is. He would have been the next King. The Royal Family let him down. They should have had Defenders with my husband.”

  “How many times did you leave Euclid before they disappeared?”

  “Why do you ask?”

  “Just answer the question. Please.”

  “I don’t know maybe twenty or thirty times.”

  “Did you ever need a Defender for those trips?”

  “What are you suggesting? Are you saying the Royal Family had no responsibility in protecting them? If you are, you’re wrong.”

  “The Union was at peace. There were no attacks on the members. There was no need to send out defenders with Royals that visited.”

  The woman ran her fingers through her son’s hair and stared at his blank expression. She heard the Officer say, “I’ve often wondered what my name is.”

  She looked at him and said, “Why wouldn’t you know your name?”

  “When the Nebula warships stopped my father’s ship and killed him. I was too young to know what my name was.”

  “How old were you?”

  “Eighteen months.”

  The nurse stared at him and suddenly grabbed her neck. She stared at his face, looked at her son’s face and said, “Drey!?”

  The Officer shook his head, “I didn’t know who I was, Mother. I’ve just recently learned.”

  She rushed forward and wrapped her arms around the tall officer and cried. He held her and said, “The Nebula attacked our ship and took me to use against the Union. There was nothing the Union could have done to prevent it.”

  She cried tears of sorrow and then she cried tears of joy. Her baby had come back. She held on to him with a grip that surprised the tall man. He felt her love and he held her and whispered, “I’m here, Mother. I’ll never disappear again.” She held him as he slowly swayed with her in his arms. He looked at his brother and saw him looking at them. He pushed his mother back slightly and she saw her youngest staring at them. She rushed forward and wrap
ped her arms around his neck and kissed him all over his face. The young man smiled and looked at Drey. Drey went into his mind and saw it begin to get organized around the pattern he had inserted. “Mother, you need to get him to Euclid where he can get the help he needs.”

  She stared at him and nodded, “Are you coming with us?”

  “There are some loose ends to take care of first but I will join you in a few days.”

  The young man stared at his older brother and smiled.

  The man named Drey went back to the Nebula and felt his mind also reorganizing. His mother was now in it…and she strengthened it. However, he knew he was a killer. That part of him would never completely disappear; only the targets would change.

  • • •

  The Coronation of the new King drew representatives from all the Union’s members. The ships parked in orbit over Euclid were larger than most naval fleets. The Coronation was scheduled to begin in an hour and the facility to hold the massive gathering was enormous. The Lead Scientist was looking at the guest list making sure everyone had a seat when his assistant came running up, “We have an issue.”

  “What is that?”

  “Apparently there has been a coup in the Nebula and the new ruler has arrived with a request he be allowed to attend.”

  “You’re kidding me?”

  “No, I’m not. The news has spread all over the sector near the Nebula, but we’re just learning about it.”

  The Scientist rubbed his cheek and said, “I wondered why they withdrew their fleet. This ceremony would have been small if the Union’s representatives were prevented from coming.” He looked at the list and said, “What kind of ship did he come in?”

  “A commercial transport; we’ve scanned it and it has no weapons.”

  “Give him the ok and we’ll seat him at the rear of the assembly. I don’t want him close to the King.” The assistant nodded and sprinted away. I wonder what’s going on in the Nebula, he thought to himself. They must have learned that the assembly had taken place and a new Monarch authorized. He pushed a button and said, “Defense, delay any of the Nebula’s Obelisks from activating.”


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